Forte et Fidele

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(A/N: Friend's in High Places finale is here!)

The screen then cut to Neptune sat on a chair in what looked like a medical tent, staring forwards with a monotone expression. Next to him in a medical bed and unconscious but still breathing was Weiss

"She's alive!" Ruby said in relief once she spotted Weiss' slow breathing

"Thank god!" Neptune, Winter, Blake, and Yang all said in relief, relief shared with everyone else from Remnant

In the background, three figures could be heard walking up to the tent, though we couldn't see them as a young British male could be heard speaking up

British Solider: He carried that man through no-man's land?! This guy's a bloody hero!

"Yeah! That's gotta be a medal or something right?" Sun asked

"Maybe" Neptune said in amusement

"Maybe?! If I was the guy who decided who the hell gets rewards I'd give you at least one!" Jaune said with a laugh as he patted Neptune in the back

Cardin could be heard scoffing as he and two other British soldiers were seen entering the tent, with Cardin glaring at Neptune

"Oh it's this prick again!" Coco and Pyrrha both angrily said

Cardin: No, he's nothing of the sort. He's a cheat, a thief and a liar, and he'll answer for his crimes.

"He's not-! Ok he actually is but still!" Scarlet said in disbelief

"While I do appreciate the fact that Neptune saved Weiss' life, after a certain moment that we shall not speak of" Winter started, sending a slight glare to Neptune, "At the end of the day, he still stole a plane and attempted to steal someone's identity for a period of time. Even with the good things he did, such as being a key factor in finding that German stronghold and saving his partner's life, he still did illegal activities. Meaning that he will be punished for them"

"Yep. Sometimes breaking the law and then going on to do the right thing afterwards doesn't mean jackshit. Ya still broke the law and you're gonna pay the price" Qrow said in agreement.

"Though I'm sure Neptune would not get too harsh of a punishment. Afterall, he did do some brave and heroic things" Scout added

"That still isn't fair" Weiss said with a frown

"Well, to be honest other me didn't have intentions to be a hero" Neptune said with a frown, "He just went with the flow. There's really no good reason to defend me guys"

"But-" Sun started

"Sun, please" Neptune sadly said. Sun was about to respond, though he just sighed as he stayed quiet

Neptune stood up as he turned to face Cardin with a slight glare

Cardin: That's right Vasilias.

Neptune angrily made his way to Cardin, who stood his ground as the two soldiers stopped Neptune from getting to close to Cardin as the two glared at each other for a moment.

"Punch him in the face!" Nora yelled with an evil grin

"Yeah!" Ruby, Yang and Fox all cheered in agreement

Suddenly, Neptune rose both of his arms to Cardin, in the position that a hand cuffed person would have their arms be.

"Huh?!" nearly all of the students yelled in shock

"He's letting Cardin arrest him" Yatsuhashi said in shock

"Oh that's just horseshit!" Weiss angrily said, nearly resulting in a spit take from Scout and Qrow

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