O La Vittoria

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It's been a hot minute has it?

(A/N: Well, we ended off the previous chapter on a somewhat light note right?...


Also, I'm making adjustments to the original mission, cause in the original mission we already know that Matteo died, but I don't wanna do that. I want the other sibling's death to be relatively unknown. So if I made some of the characters too optimistic or oblivious then sorry about that

Also thanks to I'm pretty sure BigIronOnMyHip for an interesting suggestion to add to this specific chapter. 

I'll also be adding three OC's for this particular chapter, one of which was basically suggested by BigIron, and two that I just thought I'd add halfway trough the first mission. Don't worry, because they don't take over much of the spotlight. This'll also probably be the only chapter in this whole story to feature these types characters, so if ya don't like their appearance, you won't have to worry much about them)

 Now onto the beginning of Avanti Savoia!)

"Ok then, onto the next one" Scout said, "Pretty sure the only one's remaining are Qrow, Winter, Ruby, Yang, Velvet, Blake, and Fox" he added

"Yay..." RBY, Velvet and Fox all nervously said

"Are we getting no context again?" Pyrrha asked with a frown

"No, but not like I have to give it to you anyways. The video usually let's you know"  Scout deadpanned, resulting in Pyrrha rolling her eyes in annoyance as Scout started the next video

Similar to the beginning of Friends In High Places and Through Mud and Blood, the screen faded to an over head view of a country, however this time it wasn't France, but Italy

"That doesn't look like France" Sage noticed

"Is it, what was it called, Great London?" Nora asked

"... How did you get that so wrong?" Scout said in awe, "You're literally a full mile off"

"Hey! I don't know this kinda stuff!" Nora said in embarrassment

"I think Nora meant Great Britain?" Yatsuhashi offered

"You've got the name for the country right, but no, that's not where we are. This, according to the notes I was provided, is the country of Italy." Scout corrected

"Italy?" Winter repeated in curiousity.

"I myself am not too familiar to the country. I don't think I'll be of much help, unless if the notes given to me help out" Scout shrugged

Once again, Sage's voice heard be heard in the background

Sage: Everyone was affected by the war. Every corner of the world was touched

"I mean, it's called a World War for a reason" Weiss stated

"No shit" Yang said in amusement

Sage: The human spirit drove us to fight where no one had dared to go before. Whether if it was the Mountains of the Alps, or the skies above, we found a way.

"Times of war unfortunately cause such technological advancements to occur" Ren said with a frown

"I'm guessing during your planets version of The Great War, you guys had massive technological advancements?" 

"Definitely. That was when we really learned how to really weaponize dust, which is obviously really important for us as a whole. Then throw in Atlas' sudden surge in technological things and the creation of weapons that can transform into other forms, and now here we are" Neptune explained

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