O Tutti Accoppati

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(A/N: Alright, so this will be the end of Avanti Savoia. Not 100% sure when the next chapter will come out. I may be able to release the first chapter of "The Runner" (AKA the next mission/campaign thing) at the end of the month, since this Thursday will be my last day of school, so I'm gonna have a good amount of time to myself for writing.

Now onto the reactions!)

The video once again started up, instantly showing the audience the sight of the unconscious Yang around night time. Her armor was badly damaged, but for the most part she seemed somewhat alright, as she suddenly gasped when she woke up, prompting the shoulder pieces to fall off.

"She's alive!" RWB plus Qrow all said in relief as they plus Yang, JNPR, CFVY, and SSSN all let out sighs of relief

"That armor was a bit more powerful than I expected" Scout said, a bit impressed that the armor managed to allow Yang to survive a plane crash like that

"I'm not complaining though" Yang said with a nervous chuckle, before widening her eyes in realization, "Wait, what about Giovinazzi and Alessandro? Are they alright?" she asked in concern

"Who?" Nora said in confusion

"The two Italian soldiers with her at the end" Ren explained

"Last thing I heard was something getting cut, so it probably isn't pretty" Scout replied, worrying everyone

Yang took off her helmet and tossed it aside, eyes wide open in shock at what happened, before slightly groaning in pain as she managed to sit up.

She took a quick look at the rest of her armor, quickly noticing that it was badly damaged and that it was not gonna protect her from bullets any longer, prompting her to start removing the armor that was on her legs, then arms, and then chest

Once she managed to get all the armor off, she slowly got up on her feet, coughing as she glanced back at the burning Austro-Hungarian plane that had wrecked near her. She slowly turned around, only for her to widen her eyes in horror at what she had saw.

Giovinazzi's body had practically been cut in half, with the top half of his body laying not far from the crash sight and a disturbing amount of blood and guts appearing between his top half of his body and the remains of his bottom half, which had gotten tore apart from the wreck. Alessandro's arm could be seen sticking out from underneath the Austro-Hungarian plane, a large pool of blood having formed around that area along with a series of flames, which were starting to disappear thanks to the rain that had come. It didn't take a genius to know that he was dead too.

Everyone but Scout widened their eyes in horror, with Scout letting out a slight whistle as Jaune, Neptune, Ruby, Weiss, Scarlet, and Velvet all threw up into a bag/bucket they had managed to obtain

"O-oh my god" Blake said in horror

"T-that's brutal" Sage shakily said, trying not to throw up

"J-jesus-" Nora started, only to throw up at the sight of Giovinazzi's guts

"Well then, that's a way to go out" Scout monotonelessly said

"Ya think?" Fox said, shivering at the description of the death that AVA had provided to his ears

"Alessandro was more fortunate than Giovinazzi when it comes to their deaths. I'd imagine he went out quickly. I'm sure Giovinazzi did as well, but he was certainly in much more pain than Alessandro" Winter said, both frowning and cringing at the way Giovinazzi had gone out

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