The Runner

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Edit: My dumbass kept putting ANZEC instead of ANZAC, so I had to fix that

(A/N: So I noticed on the Battlefield Wiki that for each War Story, there's a little tab that shows all of the guns used by the Enemy. Some of them I'd imagine weren't used by the Ottoman's in real life, but for the sake of making things a bit more simple for myself, I'm gonna mostly follow what the Battlefield Wiki says, even though I'd imagine that the weapons used are historically inaccurate.  I'll let those who enjoy history point out if a gun used by an Ottoman in this chapter and the next chapter is historically accurate or not)

"Wait a minute" Scout said, "When the text mentioned that half a million soldiers were sent for this mission and that a battalion of them had half of them died, I said that 250 Million soldiers died" Scout said in shock

"Yes you did" Winter said in amusement

Scout just groaned in embarrassment as everyone else laughed at Scout's fuck up.

"I'm a fucking idiot" Scout groaned

"Don't worry dude, we all make dumb mistakes" Neptune chuckled

"Right, but that wasn't a dumb mistake. That was a Nora level mistake" Scout said in annoyance

"HEY!" Nora said in disbelief

"I didn't even realize the mistake you made until you pointed it out!" Coco laughed, making Scout just sigh in annoyance

"Probably shouldn't have pointed it out Scouty. Then we wouldn't have noticed" Yang said in a teasing tone

"Scouty?" Scout said in disgust, before letting out an annoyed sigh, "Alright, let's just focus back on the bullshit" Scout sighed

(A/N: *nervous chuckle* Yeah, I made a big mistake in the previous chapter and a couple of you guys pointed it out. So thank you to those who pointed it out. As soon as I saw the mistake I couldn't help but laugh!)

Next day in the early morning, a British Soldier was seen saluting Winter, who saluted back before the two then walked off, with Winter lightly smirking when she saw Qrow and Velvet walking up towards her, with Velvet stopping as she nervously saluted Winter

Winter: I was beginning to think I already lost my Australians.

"Very funny" Qrow and Velvet both sarcastically said as Winter, Ruby, Yang, and CFY all frowned at the on screen Winter's remark

Qrow just rolled his eyes

Qrow: What can I do you for?

Winter: Not you, the girl. We need a runner for the Frontlines.

"Wait what?!" Velvet said in shock

"Frontlines? As in where all of the fighting happens?" Sage said in alarm

"Correct" Scout replied

"Nope!" CFY plus Qrow instantly said 

"I don't necessarily understand why the British Officer me would want to send some as inexperienced as Velvet to the frontlines" Winter said in confusion

"She isn't necessarily sending Velvet to fight in the Frontlines. I may be wrong, but a Runner is generally a soldier who runs towards commanding officers or allied forces and either reports news/command orders to them or gathers information before running back to their commanding officer to report" Scout explained, "In this case, Winter wants to send Velvet to gather information on the Frontlines and to report back to her"

"That doesn't sound too dangerous" Velvet said in relief that was shared by her teammates and the rest of the students

"It is, until you realize that generally Runners may have to run past or even confront enemy soldiers" Scout pointed out, "And according to the notes, the Frontlines are about to be under attack by Ottoman forces"

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