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(A/N: This will be a bit of a shorter chapter, mainly cause of the way I'll be having Pyrrha doing the mission plus with how the main objective of the mission will be done, so sorry for the shorter chapter. From my memory of some of these chapters, there may be an occasional chapter that will be relatively short compared to the others, mainly because of either the length/difficulty of the mission, or with the way I'll have the characters do some of the stealth missions)

The screen then cut to Big Bess driving on a dirt road in the middle of the night.

"Wait a minute, wasn't it just turning daytime?" Fox asked in confusion

"Yes, it was. Although from what I know, this appears to be a time skip from morning to much later that day. More specifically, very early morning. Early enough to where the sun hasn't appeared yet" Scout replied

"Huh, wonder what this could be for" Scarlet wondered

Suddenly, Big Bess halted to a stop as a few parts were heard malfunction, nearly causing Jaune to fall over as Scarlet groaned and Pyrrha quickly moved to the engine of Big Bess.

This caused JNPR, Scarlet, Ruby, Yang, Velvet, and Sun to all groaned

"Another failure?!" Nora said in disbelief

"The Brits really did fuck up with the reliability did they?" Qrow asked in a mixture of amusement, but also annoyance.

Scarlet: Jesus Bess. Give us a break, give us break

"Please! We've already lost Nora and Ren!" Pyrrha begged

Pyrrha was seen quickly looking over the engine with a bit of panic on her face as Jaune looked at the driver

Jaune: What, Nikos, what?

Pyrrha sighed

Pyrrha: Sir, she needs new Spark plugs

"Spark plugs?" Weiss repeated in confusion

"They're basically a part of what helps the Engine produce power. They're pretty damn important" Yang explained

"Wait, how do you know?" Weiss said in a bit of shock

Yang raised an eyebrow, wordlessly telling Weiss that she should know the answer, which she was able to get

"Oooh, right. Your Motorcycle" Weiss said in realization

"Wait what?" Jaune, Nora, Coco, Fox and Velvet all said in shock

"I have a bike. I can tell you guys all about it later" Yang replied with a smirk, before frowning, "Though like I said, they're going to need those Spark plugs to get Big Bess movin'" 

"Well isn't that just great" Pyrrha, Jaune and Scarlet all sarcastically said 

Jaune looked like he was about to yell in anger or fear, but he quickly composed himself and looked back at Pyrrha

Jaune: (Desperately) Check... Check how far that village is.

Jaune was seen gripping something in pain as Pyrrha made her way to the hatch on top with some binoculars, before opening it and peaking her head out as she then looked through her binoculars.

"Is Jaune ok?" Ren asked in concern

"Doesn't look like it" Scout, Qrow and Winter all replied

"From Jaune's appearance, he seems to be older than all of us, unless if Scout is in his late or early 50s" Winter stated

"I'm 23" Scout replied

"So then yeah, Jauney boy here is pretty old. And looks like he's been in the military for a long time. My guess is health issues that he developed during his time fighting" Qrow said

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