Cape Helles

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(A/N: Alright, I'm just gonna do a quick summary of what happened between the end of Avanti Savoia. After the quick summary, we'll jump right into the start of The Runner)

It must've been a good 15 minutes to half an hour of everyone trying to somewhat recover from the recent shit they just saw. Team RWBY plus Velvet were together, trying to get over from seeing Ruby's dead corpse. They were struggling to do so, but they were managing. 

Team JNPR were discussing amongst themselves about the very beginning, having seen Jaune, Nora and Ren getting killed. While for the most part they were over it, it was still pretty bad for them.

Coco, Fox and Yatsuhashi had let Velvet join RWBY for the moment, mainly discussing to themselves about the shit they had already seen, including their nervousness at the fact that Fox and Velvet hadn't shown up yet.

Qrow and Winter were off in the break room, with Winter doing her best to comfort a crying Qrow.... which is very difficult to do.

Team SSSN, in an attempt to just ignore the fact that they saw some of their friends die, decided to just ask Scout (Who was trying to smoke a cigarette and yes, I'm making it where Scout is able to smoke through his helmet) about his life and all that shit, to which Scout reluctantly did so. Telling them about his Mercenary work as well as his teammate Scanner, occasional teammate Locus, and his Team Leader Wetwork.

After a good bit, everyone felt as if they were ready to continue, though moods were still a bit down for everyone

"So you're all ready?" Scout questioned

"Ready as we can be" Yang offered with a weak smile

"Uh-huh" Scout said, clearly not believing them as he started up the next part, being The Runner

Similar to the previous three parts, the screen faded to an overhead view of the beaches of Gallipoli, which was currently occupied by the Ottoman Empire, soon to be Modern Day Turkey.

"So where are we this time?" Neptune asked, "We've got a bit more of a beach environment this time"

"According to the notes, it looks like it's Gallipoli. A peninsula located near Modern Day Turkey" Scout replied

"I'm gonna make a guess and say this is an important location" Weiss said

"You'd be correct" Scout replied, "I believe that if the Allied Forces managed to capture this area, this would give them a good location to bomb the Ottoman capital, which would massively affected the Empire of course"

"So the Ottoman's aren't with the British or any of them?" Fox asked

"No. They're with the Central Powers, which feature the Germans and Austrio-Hungarians" Scout answered

"Of course! There's another whole country or empire or whatever that we have to deal with" Nora angrily groaned, as RWBY all frowned at the mention of Austria-Hungary

Once again, Sage was heard speaking

Sage: We came from all over the world; the innocent, the arrogant...and the brave

Sage: We thought the war was to be our right-of-passage. A grand adventure that would make us all equal in our quest for glory. 

"And of course, that is nowhere near the truth" Ren remorsefully said

"What's with so many people thinking that war would be an adventure?" Ruby asked

"Many countries advertised joining the army as a great thing to do. They advertised this by showing all of the positives, while completely hiding away the true horrors of war. Matter of fact, I believe many photographers who were present in many battles throughout the war, were restricted by their countries to show pictures of what they saw from the war. That way people can become more willing to join the army" Scout explained

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