Test Flight

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(A/N: Well then, we've completed "Through Mud and Blood," now to what will probably end up being the most unrealistic part of BF1 (And definitely one of the best missions in BF1) "Friends in high places!")

"So, I'm guessing that you're all prepared for the next, part of this?" Scout questioned

"Ready as we can be" Jaune said, a hint of sadness still in his voice as everyone else gave out some form of agreeing.

"Do. We get any context for who we're following next?" Blake nervously asked

"No, although from the ending for the first part, the one that included Sage and Sun's stand off, it seems like you, Neptune, Fox, Yang, Ruby, and/or Qrow are going to be the likely culprits."

"Fun" Neptune, Fox, Yang, and Ruby all sarcastically said as Scout started "Friends in High Places"

The video turned on to show once more an overview of France

"Isn't that France?" Yatsuhashi asked

"Indeed. It looks like we're headed back there" Scout replied

"Wonder what other important things happened there that involves any of us" Sun wondered

Once more, Sage was heard speaking in the background

Sage: Before I got to Europe, I had never seen an airplane in real life.

"Huh, I guess we're focusing on piloting then" Winter guessed

"How did Sage never see an airplane before, shouldn't those be common?" Yatsuhashi asked

"During this time period, planes weren't necessarily as common as today, from what I remember. For example, this was really the first ever war to use planes in this manner" Scout explained

Sage: *in what seemed to be a voice of awe* High above they twisted and turned, like flocks of birds dancing! There was a romance around the pilots, these new swashbucklers of the skies.

"That screams Neptune and Yang" Sun chuckled, causing the two mentioned to roll their eyes

"Why would pilots be romantic?" Ruby asked in confusion

"Think about it. These guys have a fuck ton of bravery. And a good amount of young women like that kind of bravery" Qrow replied

"Oooh" Ruby said in realization

"But, they probably end up dead" Sage pointed out

"oooh" Ruby said in sadness

Sage's voice then went back to his fully monotone form from before.

Sage: But the reality was...most of these brave young men would eventually end up back on the ground in twisted smoking wrecks.

"Like he said" Scarlet said

The camera then zoomed into France, slowly fading into black once again.

Similar to the start of Through Mud and Blood, text would begin to appear on the screen.

Text: Vosges, France. Spring 1917.

Text: The allies are losing the war in the air.

"That's not good for them" Velvet nervously said

"Certainly. Having air superiority can turn the tides of battle more than tanks" Ren remarked with a frown

Text: Germany's Air Force dominates the Western Front with a range of superior aircraft and a roster of famed "Ace" pilots, each claiming scores of kills. Britain's Royal Flying Crops struggles to complete

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