Chapter 2

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Having taken the time to settle into her apartment again Alice finds herself sitting on the porch, her legs between the bars swinging in the air. She loved this spot no one bothered her as she had one of the few balconies in the building.

She sang softly to herself,
"I used to be overwhelmed by every little thing,

 torn apart unraveled at the seams.

I think it rooted in the way I breathe,

 and I get drunk on a boy who asks me if I'm up,

 tells me he can't understand his luck to know me

to love me to hold me show up."

It was one of her favorite songs, she would hum it to herself to make her nerves calm when she was in public. As she finished the song she looked up at the night sky. She heard something she never expected in that moment, clapping. Glancing around she found the source to be her new neighbor staring at her through one of his open windows. "You have a lovely voice."

Alice mumbled a small thank you and blushed hard she didn't realize she had an audience. She wasn't sure if she was okay with a complete stranger listening to her sing. She was about to get up and hurry inside to hide with her embarrassment but he spoke again. "I'm Theodore by the way, you can call me Theo. It's nice to meet you"

Without making eye contact Alice nods in acknowledgment and quietly says, "Nice to meet you, I'm Alice." After saying that they fell into an awkward silence, it felt like hours to Alice but it was actually just a few minutes.

Theo clears his throat, "So how long have you been living here?" It takes her a moment to answer, "4 or 5 years now." She said in an almost unnoticeable sad tone.

It was silent again and feeling the pressure of a conversation that seemed like it'd never end Alice sees her chance to escape back inside. "Well have a good night." "Yeah you too." Was all Theo got out before he saw her door shut. He grinned at the encounter he just had with Alice.

She seemed uncomfortable for some reason around him he thought, "then again we just met maybe she's like that with everyone" Theo scratched the back of his head, " now where did I put my phone in all this mess.

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