Chapter 9

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Instead of leaving Theo sat down beside her on the grass, "you know, I was wondering where you went yesterday after gym. I wanted to thank you for showing me around." Not really in the mood to make new friends Alice sighed, "I had to go to my club." Wanting to keep her answers short maybe he'd take the hint and stop talking to her. 

"That's so cool," he beamed, 'why is he so excited he doesn't even know what club it is.' As if sensing another question she stood up, and looked down at him, well over at him, he was fricken tall even when sitting down. 

"Look I'm pretty sure you mean well but we won't be friends." A concerned looked crossed his face she cut him off as he opened his mouth. "I'll put it simply, this is a school of flowers, you have pretty roses, tulips and the occasional orchid. And you well you're a Sunflower bright and sparkly standing tall where everyone can see and admire you." His brows scrunched together trying to understand her analogy. "And me well lets just say I'm considered a weed, something that doesn't belong and everyone wants to get rid of."

She grabbed her bag, "You'll want to steer clear of me or the other flowers may mistake you for a weed too." Alice gave him a smirk and headed off to their next class.

Theo didn't say anything to her for the rest of the day going over her little speech trying to understand what she meant by being a weed. The day ended and Alice made her way to the range ready to blow off steam. 

"Who's gotten under your skin today Mao?" Kuma's question distracted her as she released an arrow making her miss the target completely. "Dammit Kuma you know not to sneak up on me when I have my bow drawn." Clear frustration in her voice, he held up his hands in defense, "I did call your name several times you were just zoned out." 

"Where's Chie?" Alice asked ignoring his original question. "Out for the day, something about a character dying in an anime and she can't live without him now." He shook his head at our weeb friend, "Now what's bothering you?"

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