Chapter 15

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"Good morning Mao," Theo called out no getting any reaction from her he ran up next to her tapping her shoulder. She took out a headphone that was blasting music, "Oh it's you, good morning Harue." Alice stuck the headphone into her collar leaving the other one in but turning down the volume. "What're you listening to?" He asked, "just something that came up in my suggested music on YouTube. Wanna listen?" She held up the spare headphone, he had to lean down closer to her to keep it in as they walked. 

Alice watched his serious face as he listened to the song. 'I never expected to become friends with him, but I'm glad that we are.' He looked at her as the song finished, "I haven't heard that song before, but there's something about it that makes me want to listen to it over and over." Handing the headphone back to her they noticed they had made it to the school gates. "Which classes will you be in today?" He asked curious about how her schedule worked.

"The first few then I'll be in the library for the rest of the day." He nodded then quickly looked at her, "we should hang out after school!" A glimmer of excitement in his eyes at the thought, "I, um have my club after school." "That's alright, I'll just come see you there!" Not sure how to respond to that Alice gave him a short nod as they walked into their classroom.

The day went on as usual well aside from Theo chatting away happily every chance he got, and the not so subtle glares for other students. 'Maybe it wasn't a good idea making him a friend...' "The whole thing exploded right in his face and he fell to the ground as we all laughed, man that was hilarious." Theo laughed next to her as she let out a small giggle at his story. 'Then again class is more fun with him around.'

"I'll see you after school," Theo beamed as Alice waved and headed to the library. She rounded the corner out of his sight and walked into a group of girls. "Well would you look at that the demon thinks it can make friends." They snickered, Alice rolled her eyes knowing the voice belonged to Penelope a preppy bit- I mean girl. 

"Don't you think it would be a shame if you stood up our poor Theo." She smiled wickedly, as Alice's eyes went wide. "Grab her!" 

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