Chapter 5

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Even though Alice had been out of class for a few months she was caught up on all her work thanks to a few unlucky students that brought her all the class work. The one problem she was having now however was Theo, he was too bright so to speak, like he radiated a friendly vibe and people swarmed to him. It wouldn't be that big of a deal except that Alice was the exact opposite, unfriendly, dark, antisocial, and usually in a bad mood. Theo had many people offer to show him around instead of as they put it, "that girl." 

He would refuse them, "Thank you for the offer but Mr.Knight instructed her to show me around, I wouldn't want to get her in trouble." He flashed a smile each time and for some reason no one could argue when he did that. Alice inwardly rolled her eyes and just wanted him to accept someone's offer. 

Each class dragged on as the teachers usually sat them together, him because he was new and her because she had been away for so long. Sighing Alice just wanted the day to end, at least she could escape to the archery club after school. 'I wonder how everyone's been, their skills must be 100 times better since I've been gone.' 

Zoning out Alice didn't hear the bell ring, "Um, Alice." Theo spoke softly while leaning towards her, "Alice?" Snapping out of it she looked over at him, "Right, sorry lets go, the day is almost over." The walked silently next to each other, "I really liked that teacher, he seemed so enthusiastic about chemistry." He even beamed when he talk about something so mundane with her.

Alice nodded, Mr.Jones did love teaching, she knew all the teachers. Very well in fact they seemed like her only friends, and having that advantage they let her get away with a lot, including sneaking off to the library during classes. Alice smiled inwardly at the thought, as long as she kept up with her grades they let her get her way.

Sighing she lead Theo to their last class of the day, gym.

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