Chapter 7

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Alice was having fun as practice went on listening to the banter of her friends going back and forth. "You know if you had a better grip on your bow your arrow would actually go where it's supposed to." Chie shot the comment at Kuma, "See but that technique only works for you cause you're short." "How dare you sir, I am fun sized!" "Maybe for a hobbit." Chie kicked Kuma's shin at that remark. Holding back laughter Alice watched them, 'god I missed them.' 

Practice wrapped up after two hours, Alice would walk with them to the train station then head home from there usually. As she turned to go Kuma spoke up, "Alice," she looked at him knowing it was serious since he used  her name. "I just want to say sorry, I know you wanted to see us while you were in the hospital but they never let us past the front desk." He dropped his head and Chie looked off to the side clearly uncomfortable. "We wanted to let you know we tried, and even when we brought all your school work they still wouldn't let us see you." 

"It's alright guys, honestly I was a reck and wouldn't of wanted you to see me in that state anyways," she reassured them with her best smile then hugged them. "Let's go out for something to eat this weekend, I miss real food." They smiled back at her, "Kuma's treat!" Chie added only to a clearly unhappy Kuma. 

With a wave Alice turned and headed home as soon as she was out of sight her smile drop and she let out a sigh. 'That explains why I never saw them, I didn't think mother would go to that extent to isolate me. But I should of expected it from her.'

Making it home after that Alice opened the door to her empty apartment. Not wanting to feel alone she quickly turned the tv on, it didn't matter what channel as long as there was sound. 'At least tomorrow will be better, I'll get to spend it surrounded by books.'

And there's another chapter, and a pic of what Chie looks like. I know my chapters are incredibly short but I feel like they end at a good spot plus it makes editing 10 times easier. When I'm done writing this book I'll probably condense chapters.

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