Chapter 16

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Archery practice had just started when Kuma spotted a lost looking Harue, "Hey man you joining the club?" Harue looked at Kuma worry clear on his face, "I was supposed to meet Mao here after school but she still hasn't showed up." Kuma froze at that his eyes alert now looking around the range for Alice. "What's wrong?" Theo asked watching Kuma's reaction to what he said.

"Wait for Chie here and tell her Alice is missing!" Theo grabbed his arm before he could run off, "What do you mean she's missing?" "Theo, she's always the first one here and if she said she'd meet you she would of been here. Somethings wrong!" "Wait, why don't you message Chie and we can search together." As if forgetting he had a phone he took it out and typed a message. "Okay let's go."

After an hour running through the school they all, including Chie, met up outside of their classroom. "Have you seen her?" Kuma panted. "Nothing on the first floor," Chie breathed out. "Or the second," Theo said wiping sweat off of his forehead. "Ahhhh, where is she? She hasn't picked up once!" "Calm down James we'll find her." Chie placed her hand on his arm. "We just need to check the roof, and if she's not there then we'll look in the other buildings." They nodded at her plan, "Let's go!" Theo lead the way up to the roof.

In front of the door to the roof as a chair with a note taped to it, "Don't let the demon out!" Kuma ripped the note off and threw the chair aside, they quickly opened the door to find Alice sitting by the fence enclosing the roof. "Hey guys, I was wondering when you'd show up." A weak smile was on her face. "Alice!" Chie ran over and hugged her, "Why didn't you answer any of our calls or messages we would of been here sooner!"

"Well there's a slight problem," she held up her wrist it was red and raw from a hand cuff that was around it and attached to the fence. "I would of called as soon as they left but my bag is sort of all the way over there, along with a key to this thing." A small smile was on her lips, Chie started crying. Kuma walked over to her bag immediately spotting the key under it. Theo was in shock, 'who would do this?' kept going through his head.

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