Chapter 14

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"Himawari!" Chie practically shouted as they sat around a table in the cafe. "That ones too long, how about Tatsu?" Kuma asked, we were trying to think of a nickname for Theo. "I really don't need a nickname," he tried protesting only to get a glare from Chie, "You're in the group so you get a name." Alice almost felt bad for the kid, "Rini," she said taking the focus off of Theo. The other three gave her a questioning look, "What's that one mean?" Kuma asked.

Alice grinned, she knew they would ask, "sweet little bunny." Chie and Kuma were laugh so hard it was shaking the table while Theo was trying to figure out how he could possibly be thought of as a bunny. Alice leaned over to him picking up one side of his bangs that was was longer than the rest of his messy hair. "Your hair," she let it glide through her fingers as it rested back in place, Theo blushed at the contact. "It reminds me of bunny ears." She said while sitting back, a smile across her face causing Theo's blush to deepen. 

Chie finally calming down from laughing, "maybe something not so literal." Alice turned back to them, "Harue then?" The three sat in silence for a minute with a clueless Theo, as if coming to the same conclusion they nodded at each other in unison. "Harue it is," Chie held up a glass. "Welcome to the group Harue," Kuma put his cup up next to Chie's, Alice followed suit without any remarks. "Thanks," Theo flashed that bright smile as he brought his cup up.

Theo and Alice said goodbye to Chie and Kuma as they all left the cafe, walking back to their apartments in silence. "Harue," Theo said thoughtfully, "What does that mean?" Alice kept her gaze forward while answering, "It means sunshine, it's just what you reminded me of since our first day." Theo tilted his head, "I'm not sure that really fits well for me." 

Alice chuckled, "Alight, I could always just call you Bani if you'd like instead?" Theo's brows scrunched together, "What does that one mean?" Stopping in front of him Alice held one of his bangs like she did back at the cafe, "bunny." His face went red as he looked down at her, "N-no, I'll stick with Harue actually." She let go of his hair, shrugging she turned around, "if you say so." He watched as the strange girl started walking again, blush still on his cheeks he hurried to catch up to her as they walked home.

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