Chapter 8

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Not wanting to run into her neighbor again Alice made sure to leave earlier than the day before. 'Almost forgot that sunflower lives next to me.' She went straight to the library and picked up the book from yesterday that she was reading, she had stashed it behind a chair knowing the custodians wouldn't touch it. 

Since her teachers knew she was back at school Alice wouldn't have to worry about showing up to most of her classes. She usually showed up to half her classes one day then the other half the next, that way she was still keeping up with class work. Today she wanted to skip her morning classes, so instead of rushing off to first period like yesterday Alice sat snugly in her chair reading her book as the first bell rang.

Closing the book she finally finished she looked up at the clock, 'nice I'll have more than enough time to eat lunch then head to the last of my classes.' Standing up she stretched and put the book back in it's rightful place. The cafeteria wasn't her favorite place, too many people and too many chances of drawing unwanted attention. But she didn't bring a lunch so her options were limited. 

Quickly she darted through the lunch line, grabbing a cheese burger and a soda, she paid and left the cafeteria. Students were allowed to eat out in a grassy area as long as they cleaned up after themselves. Settling on a spot that wasn't claimed yet Alice sat down, thinking of her next class she zoned out. 

"Alice!" His voice rang out, as he jogged over to her, everyone watched as the cheerful boy approached the gloomy girl. "I was worried when you weren't in class this morning," Theo said as everyone went back to what they were doing figuring he was just that nice to everyone he met. "Where were you?" he asked innocently. 

She squinted as she looked at him, 'God damn is he an actual sun! Why is he so bright?' Looking down so that way she wasn't blinded by him she replied, "For my health the teachers allow me to study in the library for some classes. I  switch back and forth everyday, yesterday was an exception because I had just returned from the hospital."

His head tilted like a little puppy, "Oh, well that makes sense. I wish you could go to all of your classes, but as long as you're okay." She nodded at him expecting the conversation to be over, it wasn't.

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