Chapter 3

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Tossing and turning all night wasn't the best way to sleep and Alice knew this all too well. She sighed as she felt herself roll over and look at the clock. 4:58am the bright red colors shown in the dim light. She could hear the birds outside her windows already chirping away, wide wake and fluttering about.

Realizing that she'd never be able to fall completely asleep in that moment she decided to get up. "Damn I wish I could sleep in for once." Sighing again she swings her feet out from under the covers and stretches. "I guess I should start to get ready for my first day back at school."

On her way to the bathroom Alice grabs her uniform and a fluffy towel. She turns the switch on in the shower and it starts to warm up. "I guess there are perks to living alone, I can use as much hot water as I want with out someone yelling at me." Stepping into the warm water Alice relaxes and starts her morning routine.

Finally after an hour and a half in the bathroom she's fully dressed and ready to go. Grabbing her school bag and a pop tart she headed out the door. First thing she did as soon as she locked her door was take out her phone. She put her music on full blast and started to walk. 

Alice hadn't noticed at first but after a while she felt like someone was following her. Thinking that the feeling would go away on its own she continued without looking back. But when a finger taps her shoulder she practically jumps out of her skin. Trying to regain her composure when she realized it was just Theo, her new neighbor. Seeing his lips still moving she takes a headphone out to catch the last of his sentence. "sorry, I didn't hear you."

"That's alright," he says with a bright smile. "I was just surprised to see you and wanted to say good morning." She gave a quick nod and continued on, now with him walking beside her. "You go to Nori High school too?" Alice asked craning her head up to see his face. Theo, had a questioning look on his face then looked down at what he was wearing. A dark blues jacket with the same insignia on it that was on Alice's. "I guess I do," he said with that bright smile. It was so warm and inviting Alice wondered how he could be so cheery, especially at this time in the morning.

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