Chapter 17

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Alice winced when Kuma put the key into the cuff, finally free she examined her wrist for a second before pulling her sleeve over it. "We were so worried that your mom made you go back to the hospital! But you would of had time to send at least one message if she did that so we kept looking in the school." Chie was hysterical, Alice placed a hand on her head and smiled, "And you found me." This got more cries from Chie, Kuma just sighed like this was normal.

"Thank you everyone, but I'm okay now that you're all here." She smiled again it was like she was trying to make sure they were all okay instead of the other way around. Theo kneeled down next to her, "Alice," his voice shook, "who did this?" Her eyes narrowed, "Theo I told you already." He looked confused searching his memory for something, a name, a hint at what she meant. Sighing she got up dusting her skirt off and stretching, she looked down at him, "Don't think that hard you'll burst a blood vessel or something." She laughed lightly, Kuma glared at her. 

"Alice, you have to tell us this time, if we didn't find you you would of been left here all night, possibly longer." Kuma said anger lacing his voice. Sighing again she took her bag from him, "It was a rose and some stupid tulips." Out of the corner of her eye she saw Theo make the connection, the other flowers were trying to get rid of the weed. 'He has a pretty good memory to make the connection that quick,' Alice thought while still being glared at by Kuma. 

"Leave her alone James, she's probably tired after being up here for who knows how long." Chie said wiping away the last of her tears. 'Just since lunch so my guess is close to five hours,' Alice did the math in her head. Taking out her water bottle she drank half of it, 'man it was a bad idea to pass the time with singing.' Putting it away she did another stretch, "Let's go home guys I heard there's gonna be a major math test tomorrow." Chie rolled her eye, "maybe for you guys but me and Kuma already took it."

Alice stuck her tongue out at Chie as a pair of arms wrapped around her from behind. His head rested on the top of hers, "I'm so sorry we didn't find you faster," his breath tickled the back of her neck as her face started going red. Chie and Kuma looked on grinning at Alice's stunned face. She stood there unable to come up with anything to say. Chie giggle, "I think he broke her." "If I knew it was that easy I would of done it years ago," Kuma chuckled. "Group hug!" Chie declared dragging Kuma with her.

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