Chapter 10

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'Special' wasn't even a close enough word to describe Taehee. She was given a secret mission by Yoongi and Soo-ji and for the sake of the gang's future, she pledged to carry out her duty without fail and only return when she completed her task.

On secret orders, Taehee was ordered by the both of them to go into the city to get a morning after pill.

The others mustn't know and Taehee was more than happy to keep their secret safe with her.

Her first reaction was pure elated bliss. At long last, she felt happy to be trusted enough with a secret mission that only she could carry out, but then when it dawned on her that Yoongi and Soo-ji had intercourse, the flurry of questions spewed out of her mouth and she had been interrogating Soo-ji ever since.

Taehee only made it back to them an hour ago. With the pill in her hand, she managed to corner Soo-ji in the church, blackmailing her she wouldn't give the pill unless Soo-ji spilled every single detail.

Soo-ji sighed, having no choice but to cave in.

"You're missing out the important details!" Taehee tutted, growing angrier by the minute much to Yoongi's amusement. Yoongi sat at the opposite end of the church, playing with his baby nephew Hobi. At the corner of his eyes, he could see Taehee bombarding Soo-ji with endless questions only for Soo-ji to dodge every detail, giving the vaguest ambiguous answer, basically answering but not answering at the same time.

"FIXED IT!" Seokjin yelped, waving a screwdriver in the air. In-ah, giddy like a fangirl, jumped up and down beside him. She clung onto Seokjin's bicep, gushing at how they worked brilliantly as a team. Jungkook scoffed at them, shaking his head at their cringiness. In-ah called it 'working as a team', he called it 'In-ah passing the screwdriver to Seokjin, Seokjin flexing his muscles to show off'.

"Hyung," Jimin interrupted them, "what do you intend to do with that old banger? That set is so old I don't think it even plays colour TV!"

"Let's put it to the test, shall we?!" Seokjin exclaimed with much excitement, "then we ca-"

Knock knock.


Everyone thought they heard wrong.

A tap on the front door echoed off the church walls. Everyone's heads turned towards the double set wood, straining to hear whether they were mistaken.

Could it be the wind? Was it an animal trespassing?

But it was neither. When the first knock came round, the immediate chatter and laughter died down into sheer silence. And now they could definitely, with certainty and utmost confidence, hear two knocks on the front door again.

Knock knock.

Yoongi jumped to his feet, instantly looking over to Soo-ji and meeting her wide alerted eyes. He clutched onto Hobi tightly, burying his small head into his chest as a natural instinct to protect him from whatever was lurking on the other side of the door.

In the next second, without speaking a single word to each other, everyone already knew what they had to do.

Miyoung and In-ah went straight to the laptops, stuffing the electronic devices into backpacks. Taehyung and Jungkook pressed their backs firmly against the wall beside the doors, a pistol in their hands ready to pull the trigger. Taehee and Seokjin went to the toolbox to grab whatever makeshift weapon they can find. Jimin and Namjoon grabbed a shotgun each, perching themselves behind the church benches as cover and aiming the barrel towards the door.

With Hobi safely nestled in his arms, Yoongi dived behind the altar. Hobi looked up to his meow meow uncle innocently, but Yoongi only gave him a comforting smile, indicating to Hobi that he must stay silent by making a zipping motion across his lips. In anticipation of what would happen next, Yoongi had even covered both of Hobi's ears in fear that booming gunshots would be blasting off.

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