Chapter 15

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Jungkook was wrong. So, so wrong.

He didn't think it would happen, but he missed In-ah very much. He wasn't exactly sure what he missed about her, whether it was the teasing and arguing or if he missed making fun of her book. He just knew he missed her one way or another.

Time went especially slow in the prison cell. He wondered about a lot of things, such as if she worried for him... If she was working hard watching over him... Or if she missed him too...

To Jungkook's disappointment, the answer was no to all three.

In-ah sat crossed-legged in front of the TV, munching on doritos.



The president made another long winded speech, detailing how three members of the Hope Gang went on a rampage to cause trouble in their peaceful city, only to be captured, put under control and eventually surrendered. Scenes of the vehicles' crash site were shown on the screen next, along with mugshots of Taehyung, Yoongi and Jungkook.

In-ah scoffed, dipping her tortilla chip into a pot of guacamole. It was no surprise that the KSI and the government would be using every opportunity to take credit.

Bullshit. She thought.

And she returned to her much loved book lying on her lap, having had enough of the pack of lies the government and the KSI were telling the world.

In-ah was on the last few pages of her book finally, nearing the ending of Alana and Lucas' story. The church was quiet and calm, save for the background noise from the TV and the little snores coming from the rest of the gang who were all sleeping on the church benches behind her.

Perhaps In-ah's observational skills had become sharper and more alert, but the rustling of the high grass and barley outside of the church had caught her immediate attention. Her ears strained to hear whether it was just a hoax, that some animal was just passing by, but something felt off.

And it was only when a shadow emerged behind the mosaic stained window that In-ah jumped to her feet.

She scrambled to wake the others behind her.

"What-" In-ah slapped a hand over Jimin's mouth, placing a finger against her lips to shush him. The others sat up, directing their attention to her. She pointed to the window, and by the time everyone looked to where she was pointing at, a few shadows were looming outside.

Without speaking, as quiet as a mouse, everyone reached underneath the benches, grabbed a gun each and readied themselves.

Taehee hugged a sleeping Hobi against her chest, placing a bullet in between her lips as she loaded her pistol. In-ah and Miyoung grabbed their laptops, stuffed them into a backpack and retreated to the back of the church out of the way. Jimin and Namjoon were already behind pillars, peeking from behind with rifles and revolvers. Seokjin stood behind the main door with a machete, ready to slit the intruders' throat. Meanwhile, Soo-ji knelt behind a bench, aimed her shotgun towards the moving shadows behind the window and followed their movements.

It was strangely quiet and slow. The shadows, however many there are, whoever they are, were waiting.

There are more of them, Soo-ji realised.

The peacefulness of the church was interrupted.

The mosaic windows shattered into a million pieces, a crash echoed through the holy building and everyone jumped back from the impact. Without warning, a shot was fired through the window before the bullet landed on Seokjin's TV.

ALWAYS You: Swan's Shadow [YOONGI] (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now