"I'm so Dope.."

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I'm so dope, you think about doing me in your free time.
so dope, that you post up with the homies tryna get a piece of me like I'm the only thing on your mind,
So fucking dope, you roll up your insecurities and all your traumas into one fragile blunt, ashes break off, flashbacks making you cough,but you gon laugh it off with a smile and some Smirnoff.
I'm so dope, I gotta diverse lineup of people tryna put their lips on mine.
some people need me, slang me, puff puff pass me around as their job every day 9 to 5.
I'm so dope I'm your income, I'm your lifesaver and deal breaker, I call the shots like the adrenaline pumping through your veins when you're with me on the streets, thuggin.
Others get to use me at any time.
I'm so dope if you got privilege you don't got smoke with me or the cops,
so dope, if you get caught linking with some "white", you'll get some probation tops.
I'm so dope, I can only hope your highs one day won't be because of me but because you're living a little more peacefully, not abusing me to boost yo creativity, fuck that.
I'm so dope, I don't want no smoke, no toke, to feel something.

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