Chapter Sixteen: Only in Your Wildest Dreams

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Something isn't right. 

"Matty, whatever is going on, you need to get out. Get out!" It's Keeva's voice. Why is Keeva in my head? 

"Drake, something..." I said as I held my head. 

Drake grabbed me. "You're burning up," he said as I heard the panic in his voice. "You need to go back to bed." 

"Something isn't right though. Something bad is going on, I just... I can't remember exactly what is wrong." I said as I looked at him. I gently hit my head with my fists. Drake grabbed my wrists to stop me. Drake is so tall. I always knew it, but it never felt so comforting as it did now. 

I almost laughed as I thought, he's handsome as hell too. 

"This isn't real, Matty. You know this. You know this isn't real. Whatever you're seeing, it's not real. It doesn't matter how much you want it to be real. It's not real." 

My heart sank to my stomach as I shivered. Keeva's voice sounded so real. 

Drake picked me up like a bride and he took me down the hallway. 

"You can't fall into one of his dreams!" 

She shouted this. And I felt like someone was trying to shake me awake. 

"Keeva, you're going to hurt her, you have to stop." It was Antonio's voice. He sounded stern. "Orisin, you too." 

"She could die though. She could fall into his dream and not wake up!" Orisin's voice sounded panicked. He sounded near tears. "We have to get her out of there now!" 

"We can't get her out of his head." Keeva said. Her voice sounded so defeated. Sad. Frustrated. 

I looked at Drake. I remember a long hallway. I'm supposed to look for him. I was looking for him. I- 

Something shattered in my bedroom. Drake carried me into the room and we both saw the vase knocked over, it had broken into a million pieces. Drake put me on the edge of the bed. 

"Stay there, I don't want you to get hurt," Drake said as my forehead broke out into a cold sweat. I grabbed his forearm. He looked down at me. 

A hallway. A long hallway. A mirror. Drake. Drake was behind the mirror. Drake is here. I can touch him. He knows me. He remembers me. He knows me. He feels so warm. There's no hatred. He doesn't hate me. He isn't scared of me. I know this warmth. I don't know this Drake well, but I don't know if I really know Drake as well as I thought I did. I thought about the locked door. The door not even the Dreamwalker could get into. 

"Do you love me?" I asked Drake. "Not just want me, but love me." 

"Why are you asking me this now?" 


We aren't together. Drake and I don't kiss everyday or sleep together. He doesn't share those smiles with me. He doesn't cook for me. He just protects me. He's my friend. He's my friend who I'll defend fiercely, but he doesn't- 

"Can you kiss me?" I said. "One more time. Before you remember." 

Drake blinked. 

"Remember?" Drake asked. 

I got up from the bed. The bits of glass cut into my foot and I press my mouth onto his. His mouth is warm and he tastes like lavender. I could fall into him so easily. Drake put one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He made a soft noise. He pressed harder into me and his tongue caressed my mouth, asking for permission. I open my mouth to him a little. I feel unsure about how to kiss all over again as he presses into me and kisses me like he's been a starved man. 

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