Chapter 1 - Lucifer's confession

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Its been a year since I came from the human world to study at RAD as part of the exchange program, and I have to admit that life in the Devildom has been an experience that I can never forget, I have loved it here and now the exchange program is coming to an end and for some reason I do not want to go back home. But I do not think it is possible for me to stay here either, but I really wish there were away for me to stay.

I make my way down to breakfast where all of my friends are and they are waiting for me to join them form breakfast, I sat down, and we all began to eat. Everyone was eating, I was just staring at my food when Mammon started talking to me "hey earth to Charlie, Charlie you in there?" I look up at and see that Mammon is looking at me and I say,

"yeah, I'm here" everyone stopped eating to look at me and I could not look at anyone of them, so I looked back at my plate full of food that's when Asmo said

"you alright, you don't seem yourself today"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me" still looked concerned about me Satan said

"are you feeling ill by any chance" I look up at him as he was sitting across from me, and I replied

"no, I'm feeling fine, what makes you say that?"

"only because you're not eating anything, and you look really pale"

"in fine, honestly, don't worry about it" and with that everyone returned to eating their breakfast. I could not sit here for any longer watching everyone look so happy I had to leave, I stood up and went to walk out the door when Lucifer said,

"Charlie where are you going?, you haven't touched your breakfast"

"I'm off too class early so I can study, but don't mind me you just carry-on eating all of you" and I left, I could not bear to tell them what was going on in my mind I had already caused them enough trouble with my stay here, I do not want to make this worse for them. As I was in class studying I could not help but imagine what they were all talking about after I left.

Lucifer's P.O.V

I watched as Charlie left the dinning room, once she had left I turned back to my brother who were all shocked, I put down my mug and began to talk "something isn't right with Charlie, something is wrong" Mammon faced me and spoke

"well duh, we know that" Beel looked up from his empty plate and said,

"but why didn't she tell us what was on her mind" Satan put his hand on his chin and answered

"that's a good question, but if we want to find out what is wrong then how are we going to do that" Belphie, my sleepy brother looked up from the table and said,

"why doesn't one of us try and talk to her about what's on her mind?" Asmo looked excited and said,

"yes, we should, but who is going to be the one to go and ask her" Levi looked at everyone and said,

"it'll have to be someone that she can trust, in order for us to get anywhere" we all stopped talking and thought about who was going to go and ask her what was wrong with her. Out of all of my brothers it should either be myself or Beel because we are the ones that she trusts the most, she does trusts my brothers too but us more because she has been able to tell us anything. I carry on thinking when Beel says,

"I'll go and talk to her" we all looked at him and that's when Mammon said,

"hold on what makes you the one who goes and talks to her?" Beel calmly says

"because she has told me things before that she hasn't been able to tell anyone else, so I think that it is only right that I go and talk to her" I look at Beel and spoke

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