Chapter 21 - The musical

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Well for me graduating from RAD was just around the corner and I couldn't help but be sad I mean I'll miss going around ths school since now that the twins are at nursery I was able to go back and be with my brothers again I even made it as the ninth member of the student council.

Today we had a meeting but today the meeting was different I mean all of my brother had graduated when the twins were born so they were part of the school team anyway, but today's meeting took everyone by surprise with what it was about Diavolo set some papers down and said "okay so I wanted to let you know I have an idea for this years graduation students" I looked up from me note taking as I always took notes for the others to look back on which was s great help for Barbatos Lucifer said

"What is the idea Diavolo" Diavolo laughed and said

"I've decided that I think the graduates should put on a musical" I dropped my pen and my eyes went wide I looked up while everyone was staring at me I said

"A-a m-musical you say how lovely" I say looking back at my book with a pink dust on my cheeks from embarrassment Mammon stood up and said

"Why do a musical they are so boring" me being a musical theatre fan I couldn't believe I just heard him say that, I so turned around to Mammon and slapped my hands on the table I was sat at, stood up while everyone was looking at me and said

"How can you say that about musicals"

"Because I can"

"Have you ever seen a musical Mammon"

"Yeah I saw Liliths play" I shook my head and said

"That way a play with a few numbers in it, a musical is something where you have to learn line, dance numbers and sing, it's the most beautiful thing ever" I was getting annoyed so I started shouting at him Asmo said

"Charlie are you okay" before I could say anything Satan said

"You seem to love them and are passionate about them Charlie why is that" I didnt want to tell them that I was always in a musical thought out my school life and never got the main role I took a deep breath and said

"Because I-I was always in the school musical at school, I loved performing but I never got the main part the closet thing i got to was supporting cast and that was my final role before i came here and once i was here i stopped doing them" they all looked at ms with Shocked faces I hung my head in shame that's when Belphie said

"I'd love to see you in one of those musicals that you did" I looked at him and answered

"I think I'll be able to access the clips on DevilTube so I'll look when we get home" Diavolo laughed and said

"So with that in mind I went through all of the musicals that are in the human world and one really caught myself and Barbatos eye" I was now on the edge of my seat to find out what it is and Diavolo continued "it was Oklahoma" I fell of of my chair with excitement Lucifer looked at me, helped me up and said

"Charlie please control yourself darling" I stood up brushed myself off and said

"Please I do apologise for my behaviour it's just that Oklahoma was the one I watched when I was young and that's the one that made me want to do musicals" Mammon said

"So who is going to be in it" Diavolo laughed and said

"Well I'm not sure yet, you have to audition to be in the play but I dont know when t hold the audition what do you think Charlie" I look up in shock I mean this was the first time I was addressed in a meeting so I said

"Normally we would do the auditions so that you had 2 weeks to practice then the following week you have the auditions then you announce the cast a week after the audition"

"And what sort of thing do you do in an audition"

"Well for the ones at school we are taught a dance, we pick a song and then we read out some lines"

"Okay so we are going to be holding auditions for Oklahoma in 2 weeks" we all agreed to that and we made off for home.

After collect the children from school and nursery we headed back to the house where I showed them all of the clips of me from when I was at school in the hu,an world "wow Charlie we can here you over everyone else why weren't you chosen to be the lead" Levi asked looking at the screen

"I asked the director once and they said that even though I have a strong voice I needed to be in the chorus so that I could help them with every song" Lilith is looking at the screen when I belt out a note from my supporting role

"Mother, how did you do that note"

"Its like I told you, if you want to belt a note and it's not high you have to use your chest voice which is a lot harder to use, once while icwas singing we were in out head voice the voice that helps with beautiful notes then I had to switch to my chest voice and it was very difficult"

"So tell me Charlie, how many character's are there in this musical" Satan asked drinking him tea

"Oh erm I'm not sure how many female parts there are but I do know that there are 6 male speaking parts" I say taking a bite from my biscuit Oliver taps me leg and said

"Do I have to be in it"

"No Oliver, it's only for the graduates and the school council members" he looked very relieved that he wasn't going to be in it Belphie said

"Charlie what part are you going to go for"

"I always go for every female role, but this year I'm going to go for two which is the lead and chorus, I mean I'm not getting my hope's up but worth a try" we carry on talking about the musical until I put all three or my children to bed.

I get back to where everyone was and that's when I remember that the best way to study the charatcer that you are going to be auditioning for a to watch the musical so I suggested that we watched the musical and we watched the whole thing even Mammoncseemed impressed, I just hope that it is a great show.

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