Chapter 14 - first day of school

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So now we had a 5 year old running around the house constantly, and for good reason Lilith was starting school soon and she was so excited, Lilith spent time with all of her uncles every day.

One morning I came back from the kitchen after with the breakfast I had made for everyone I had just placed it on the table when everyone a part from Lilith came in I said "is Lilith up" and just at that moment Lilith comes walking into the dining room fully dressing with a big smile on her face "good morning Lilith" I kissed her head as she sat down between Lucifer and Satan

"Good morning, mumma, papa and everyone" Luicfer said

"Good morning Lilith, now what adventure awaits you today" she had a big smile on her face, with her crimson eyes shining replied

"Well papa, after breakfast uncle Satan and I are going to be reading, then mumma said that I could help her with dinner today, I'm then going to help uncle Asmo with one of my outfits that i cant decide what accessory would look better, uncle Belphie and uncle Beel said that he'd like to help me with my mathematics, uncle Levi and I are going to play pirates, then uncle Mammon is going to set up a scavenger hunt for me"

"My sounds like a very busy day for you Lilith" I say take a sip of my tea

"Indeed, oh I almost forgot when uncle Dia and uncle Barba get here they are going to help me with the history of Devildom and then I was wondering mumma" I looked at my smiling daughter and said

"What is it cupcake" she looked at me with her best puppy dog eyes that I couldn't resist and said

"Well its 2 things really"

"And what are they darling"

"Well... would you sing to me at bedtime and would you and papa play princes and princesses" I looked at her and she confessed "it was papa's idea" I look at Luicfer then back at Lilith and said

"Cupcake I agree to both of those things" she smiled at me with her biggest smile yet and finished off her breakfast once she'd finished she went to the library with Satan so she could improve her reading

Lilith's P.O.V

After my yummy breakfast that my mumma had made I went down to the library with my uncle Satan to help with my reading when we got there uncle Satan said "so Lilith what book do you want to read" I picked up a book that had really interested me it was called Cinderella I looked and him and replied

"I want to read Cinderella" he nodding at me, I sat down next to him and started to read, before I could begin I get scared that's when uncle Satan said

"Lilith take a deep breath and start trust me it really helps" I did what he says and I started

"Once upon a time there once lived a girl with beautiful golden hair and sky blue eyes, she lived with her father who loved her dearly, her name was Cinderella, when her mother passed away her father had remarried,
Cinderella's new step-mother was env... envi" I didnt know the word so Uncle helped me

"Envious" I continued

"Envious of cinderella's beauty so once her father passed away she was treated like a slave doing all ov the house for her step-mother and step-mother's two daughters Anastasia and trazella even though everything was taken away from her and she was dressed in rags she was still very beautiful, she felt very lonely but ended making friends with the mice that lived in her house" I stopped and looked up at my uncle and said "uncle Satan why would they treat her likd that did they not love her"

"Because they were jealous of her so to make them look better they didnt want her to be seen by anyone"

"But would mumma and papa do that to me" he put his arm around me and said

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