Chapter 23 - Rehearsal

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It's been a few months since the audition for Oklahoma and I have to say that the rehearsals are going great, I know most of my lines, dance numbers and songs, although Mammon keeps missing a beat but we dont mind. The show is coming up rather quick, as it's on the same day as I graduate so I'm getting excited to see how it all works out.

Today is the day that I have to not only sing with Lucifer but I have to dance in heels as i have to wear them for the show, even though I started to practice ages beforehand but now doing it in front of everyone is really hard, Diavolo who is directing us says "right so we are going to start off with the dance number between Curly and Laurey, so may i have the principles on stage please" Lucifer walks on from stage right and I walk on from stage left, it's quite nerve racking really because i decided to wear a long skirt so that Diavolo could see how a skirt would look in the show, the music starts to play and Lucifer and I start dancing, in the dance I have to spin out, but me being clumsy I let go of Lucifer's hand and missed placed my footing and I fell over onto my back onto the stage and lay there Lucifer comes over and says

"Are you okay Charlie"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Your not hurt"

"No I'm fine"

"You sure"

"Of course im used to falling like this used to do it all of the time in school" Diavolo comes oncto the stage just as I'm standing up and said

"Are you sure your okay"

"I'm fine honestly" what I didnt know was that I'd nursed my hip as I went down that's when Diavolo said

"I know your lying Charlie, lift up your shirt"

"I'm fine honestly"

"Lucifer lift up her shirt" he started lifted up my shirt and stopped to wear the bruise was I didnt look at it because all I could see was Lucifer's face go red but the next thing I know it that Diavolo shouts to Barbatos "Barbatos can you get an ice pack for Charlie" I was confused but when I looked down I saw a multi coloured bruise on my hip and it was very painful when Barbatos came back with the ice pack patch Diavolo placed it on my hip he looked st me and said "are you going to be okay to dance Charlie" I nodded and we proceeded to dance again, I was in some pain but I didn't let it show.

After we finished the dance we could take a break while the rest of the cast were practicing a dance number, I lifted up my shirt to look at the bruise on it surprisingly it was worse than the others i go i said "i better keep this covered up"

"Anyone would think that I've hurt you with a bruise like that" i turned around to see that Lucifer was behing me looking at the bruise I said

"I'm sorry that this happened" he chuckled and said

"You don't have to be sorry"

"I know but this was my fault"

"No you just fell over by loss of balance" I had to agree to what he said I mean I couldn't help the fact that I fell over but I did it in front of the whole cast and that's embarrassing, anyway so once the cast had finished there dance number it was now our turn to go over our song for the show we got on stage and Diavolo said

"We are going to do people we'll say were in love" we faced each other as the music started

Me: Why do they think up stories that link my name with yours?

Lucifer: Why do the neighbours gossip all day behind their doors?

Me: I know a way to prove what they say is quite untrue
Here is the gist, a practical list of dont's for you

Don't throw bouquets at me
Don't please my folks too much
Don't laugh at my jokes too much
People will say we're in love

Don't sigh and gaze at me
Your sighs are so like mine
Your eyes mustn't glow like mine
People will say we're in love

Don't start collecting things
Give me my rose and my glove
Sweetheart, they're suspecting things
People will say we're in love

Lucifer: Some people claim that you are to blame as much as I
Why do you take the trouble to bake my favourite pie?
Grantin' your wish I carved our initials on that tree
Just keep a slice of all the advice ya give so free

Don't praise my charm too much
Don't look so vain with me
Don't stand in the rain with me
People will say we're in love

Don't take my arm too much
Don't keep your hand in mine
Your hand feels so grand in mine
People will say we're in love

Don't dance all night with me
'Til the stars fade from above
They'll see it's all right with me
People will say we're in love

We finished our number and our faces were inches away from each other and all we could do was stare into each others eyes while everyone knew around us was talking Diavolo clapped his hands making up turn towards him for him to say "okay so that was that well done guys the show is going to look great, the costumes are done as well but you sont see them until opening night so be ready and keep going over your lines"

It didnt seem real to me that I was graduating soon from RAD and that icwas playing the lead role along side my husband in my all time favourite musical, but I cant wait for the show as I think it is going to be the best.

Lucifer and I Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora