Chapter 29 - the fever

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A month being a teacher and its going great the stdents love me and I'm in the process of getting a script for the class, one evening the children are in bed and I was sitting in the sitting room with a bunch of papers spread all over the table trying to find a musical thats not to big, but just right for my classes first musical my brothers and husband are sat in with me doing their own thing some marking some doing other things when I run my fingers through my hair and groan catching the attention of everyone I cross off another musical off of my list and say "well that now makes 25 mhsicals that I can't do"

"What's wrong darling" I look up and see that Lucifer is looking at me with a paper in his hand i reply with

"Well in order for me to do a musical I have to get the rights to do so and as yet I haven't been able to get any" Satan sits down next to me and said

"Surely there must be a musical that you can do"

"I've got one more left to check out" Asmo is now sitting on the floor looking at all of the papers and he says

"Which one is that Charlie"

"Beauty and the beast" I heard a gasp coming from a sleep demon and I look up and see that Belphie is standing in front of the fire he says

"Beauty and the beast"


"I hope you get the right to do it, I've seen clips of it on DevilTube and it looks amazing" I smile and i reach for my phone and say and it starts to ring

"Here goes nothing" everyone is around me as I start to talk on the phone

"Good evening, my name is Charlie Spicer and I'm a teacher at the Royal Academy of Diavolo" i roll my eyes as they ask the same question everytime "yes the high school in Devildom, i was wondering if I could get the rights to one of the musicals for my class to put on" i pull out the paper that has the name of the show I say "yes the show I want to do is beauty and the beast, yes... I understand... thank you goodbye" I put the phone down I pick up my pen and they all look at me disappointed eyes until I giggle causing them to look at the circle I created it I smile and Lucifer said

"I'm guessing you have a show for your students"

* Time Skippy *

The next day I woke up feeling not that great, i was frezzing and i couldn't stop shaking, I had a cold great and i most likely caught it from one of the students, but I can't have the day off, as my students won't have a teacher, i can't leave them.

I got up out of bed and felt the excruciating pain from my head as I bent down i know this too well a sinus headache (a cold that goes in front of your eyes and hurts every time you do something) just my luck to get one of those before I announce the play.

I walk down to breakfast seeing that my children had to leave early today due to an assembly and meetings so it was just my brothers and husband, I walk in slowly as I take my seat and place an empty glass on my forehead. It was heaven everyone took notice of this and Mammon said "yo Charlie are you okay, you look sick" before I could answer i let out a cough and clutched my chest because it hurt Lucifer said

"Darling maybe you should go back to bed" i didn't dare shake my head because it hurt so i replied with a croak

"N-no, I'll be fine, i need to be with the kids they won't have a teacher otherwise there will not be a lesson"

"But Charlie our not well I can see without touching your forehead you have a temperature" i turned my head slowly towards the voice and said

"I'll be fine, i just need some fresh air and I'll be fine"

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