Chapter 19 - the birth

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I was slumped over in the chair when Asmo said "but your a month earlychow can that be possible"

"Its not unusual for twins to be born early" Satan said putting a hand on his chin I looked over at Lilith who was clutching Beel's arm I waving her over and she came over I put my hand on her shoulder and said

"Lilith, go upstairs to your room with Simeon and Luke, then put some music on loud for me"

"But mother I want to stay with you"

"No Lilith I dont want you to see me like this so go"

"But mother"

"Just go, please" and with that they left the pain was worst than it was with Lilith "Ahhh" I was gripping on to the chair because of the pain Belphie said

"We should take her to the hospital, or at least get the doctor here" before anyone said anything I shouted

"I NEED TO PUSH NOW AHHHH" I'd already ripped my underwear off and Barbatos was now in front of my legs rolling up his sleeves Beel looked at him

"Barbatos what are you doing there" he asked

"I'm going to help Charlie, now Luicfer you take Charlie's hand, Satan stand that side of her Beel, Belphie fetch some water and a cloth, Mammon find some towels you go help him to Asmo and lord Diavolo and Levi you go stand out front and keep an eye out for the doctor" he then turned back to me just as I threw my head back gripping the chair


"Its okay Charlie I'm here to help you okay" I nodded my head and he continued "now Charlie, on your next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can" all the brothers that were sent away came back just as i was finishing my first push Mammon said

"My God you are making a lot of noise Charlie" I reached out to grab him as he was near Satan and shouted


"Mammon she needs to focus right now"

"Ugh, AHHH" I let out a big scream as the next contraction came I gripped onto the arm of the chair and Luicfers hand, at one point I nearly broke it. Diavolo had come back in and said

"The doctor is stuck on another job" I looked at Barbatos and he said

"Well I'm this far now I might as well carry on" Satan kept wiping my head with the cloth as I was losing my vision I was so tired I couldn't do it anymore

"I c-can't do this anymore" I was crying because of the pain and it felt like I had made no progress that when Barbatos said

"Come on Charlie, dont give up now, our almost done I just need a big push and the first one will be here" I gave a massive push along with a ear shattering scream

"AAAHHH" and the first twin was born Barbatos held the baby up and said

"Charlie it's a boy" I have a son, but it wasn't over yet i still had the other twin just as I was about to push I looked at Barbatos who had a worried expression on his face

"B-Barbatos w-whats wrong" he looked at me and said

"Now Charlie, your other baby is bottom first, so you are going to have to flip over" I flipped over on to my stomach which hurt a lot I gripped onto Luicfers shoulders while I was on my knees on the chair this was worst I was screaming in pain because it hurt so much as I was panting Barbatos said

"Are you ready Charlie this is going to hurt a lot" I nodded my head and I put my teeth into Lucifer's shoulder while screaming in pain and because of this I turned into my demon form I looked at Luicfer in the eyes while I was crying and he said

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