Chapter 32 - Fight

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it's been a few months since my accident at school and I'm now back at school, and the play is well underway and we are now staging the show as all the choreography is done so I'm happy.

Today I'm sitting at the table with my family.y eating breakfast when I notice that my youngest Helena isn't eating her food i say "Helena, whats wrong darling" she looks up at me and gives me a small smile and says

"I-I'm fine mumma" i watch her return to eating her breakfast very slowly i knew something was wrong i just didn't know what. Soon it was time for school, i dropped the twins off at school and headed for school.

Helena's P.O.V

After mumma and papa left my brother and I we walked into school i started to feel scared I pulled on my brothers arm for him to stop he looked at me and i looked at him and said "Oliver w-what if it happens again" he looks at me and says

"I'll protect you sis I always will" you see I'm being picked on at school because I'm very smart like my older sister, i haven't been in a fight with them yet so that was good, when the bell went i had to go to class, i would've been fine if my brother was in my class but he wasn't he was in the class next door which really irritated me but I knew that I had to go in otherwise I would be in trouble.

I walked into the class and made my way over to my seat but before I could sit down Luna (the demon who is picking on me) says "well, well, well look what the cat dragged in" i could hear her gang laughing at me i turned around and said

"Good morning Luna, how was your morning" she sniggered
"It was going great until you came in here" I sat down in my seat when I heard a noise coming from underneath me i stood up again and found a woopy cushion underneath me i turned to Luna and she said "wow who knew that you could stick up the class room Helena" the whole class was laughing then Sarah said

"I mean she already stinks up the classroom, coming from that home" i paused and clenched my fists even though I'm only 6 years old I still find it hard to suppress my anger so I clench my fists to help me stop i replied

"What did you just say" i heard her snigger and she said

"Im just saying that you stink of her" i knew she was talking about my mumma I turn to her and said

"Don't say that" she came up to me, stood right in front of me and said

"That bitch, you called mum doesn't even deserve to be one, i bet your not even Lucifer's daughter" i got angry and said

"How dare you call my mumma a bitch, she does deserve to be a mumma and I am Prince Lucifer's daughter, they only bitch i see is you" that's when she slapped my face.

I turned to face her and I turned into my demon form and thats when the fight happened.

I pushed her onto the floor and started hitting her, she grabbed my hair and started pulling at it, she clawed my face which caused it to bleed, so I kept punching her she then flipped overwo I was now on the floor and she kept hitting and hitting, i managed to get up and we both were standing and hitting each other thats when two teachers came in Mr Takao grabbed hold of Luna and pulled her away while Mr Plumstead held me back i was fighting against him and Luna was doing the same Luna said "your mother deserves to die" i screamed

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YOU BIMBO, I'M GOIG TO KILL YOU" over our shouting the other teachers had cleared the class out and taken Luna away Mr Plumstead had let go over me but i was still angry and started throwing things around the classroom screaming


Oliver's P.O.V

I knew my sister was being picked on at school and she told me not to tell anyone, so I had to keep it from my mama and papa.

So today I'm sitting jn my English class writing an essay about "my family" when I hear screaming coming from my sisters class, the next thing I kmos is the rest of her class running downcthe Hall way, I knew my sister had lost control, I put my hand up "Mr Yuta, please may I go and see my sister please?" Mr Yuta looked up and me and nodded.

I ran to her class and opened the door only have to move out of the way rather quickly before I get hitvin the head by a chair, I approach Helena carefully and said "sis it's me... Oliver, can you calm down" she looked at me and I knew that she was upset and that it was safe for me to go over to her. When I got to her I hugged her tight and she hugged me back

"Olivier.... I'm sorry I-I" she sobbed jnto my chest, all I could do was stroke her head to calm her down "I-I want mummy"

She said into my chest, I kept hugging her tight as I see her teacher leave the class to go and call our mama and papa.

Lucifer's P.O.V

I was sat in Lord Diavolo's office helping him with school work, we were just about to go through the school grade statistics when my D.D.D goes off, I see it's the twins school "that's odd" I said out loud

"What is Lucifer" Diavolo said looking up from the paper work

"It's the twins school, I don't normal get a call unless it's important"

"You should answer it Lucifer" I nodded my head and answered it

"Hello, this is Lucifer.... what!.... okay.... yes..... I'llbe there soon with my wife.... yes thank you..." I hang up the phone and look at Diavolo with a worried face

"Lucifer? What is it, is something wrong"

"It's Helena,she got into a fight at school and is in her demon form" I look at Diavolo and his eyes widen

"You should go, cancel Charlie's lesson you both need to go to her" I thanked him and run to Charlie's class.

I knew i was getting close to her class room because I could here her class laughing and having fun, icoulsnt help but smile knowing that her class what having fun. As I go to her class room door I could see that she was doing her first rehearsal for the schools musical, I didn't want to disturb her but I knew I had to, so I knock on her door a heard a cheerful "come in" and with that I walked in.

Charlie's P.O.V

I was in the middle of a rehearsal for the schools musical of beauty and the beast when I heard a knock at my classroom door, so I said in a cheerful tone "come in" and got back to my rehearsal, I smiled as I watched my class performed the scene that we had blocked. I turned towards the person who was in my classroom and saw that it was Lucifer, I smiled at him and held up my hand to say that I'll be with you in a minute, I turned back t my class and said "oksy guys just keep going over that scene while I talk to professor Lucifer" they all nodded and went back tovthd scene while I stepped outside with Lucifer.

Once we were outside I could see that he was worried "Lucifer, darling what's wrong, has something happened?" He looked at me and took my hands and said

"Charlie the twins school just called me"

"Okay what about?"

"About Helena" I started to panic a little

"Is she okay? Is she unwell? What is it Lucifer" he started to shake a little, I had never seen him like this not since Lilith our daughter went to hospital when she was a newborn. He looked at me in the eyes and said

"She was in a fight at school and she is in her demon form" I looked at him in shock then I looked back at my class, then bsck at him and stuttered

"W-what about my class? W-what do I t-tell them" he gripped my hands tight as he knew that I was going to panic he said

"Tell them what's happened and that Lord Diavolo has cancelled the lesson for today" I nodded my head and went back into my class and told them what's happened. Once I left the class I ran down the hall ways with Luicfer to get to our daughter school.

Lucifer and I Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant