Chapter 17 - surprise x2

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So its been a few months since my wonderful holiday, and I think I'm pregnant again as I'm having the same symptoms as I did when I was pregnant with Lilith, so I plan to get a pregnancy test and then see what the doctor says maybe I should drag one of the brothers to come with me.

I make my way down to breakfast to find that my daughter wasn't there as I sat down I said "good morning everyone, where is Lilith this morning" Lucifer put down his mug and said

"Mornimg honey, she wanted Barbatos to take her today"

"Right okay" Satan looked at me as I pulled out my D.D.D and said

"Are you okay Charlie"

"Oh yes I'm fine" he returned back to eating and started to text Barbatos

Me: Hey Barbatos are you still in town

Butler Barba: yes is there anything you need?

Me: would you pick me up a pregnancy test for me please

Butler Barba: of course, do you think your pregnant then

Me: yes I've not been feeling myself lately so I just want to be sure

Butler Barba: I'll come by and drop it off

Me: perfect please dont give it to anyone else just bring it up to my room

Butler Barba: I will give it to you personally

Me: thank you

I look up from my phone when I see Mammon trying to peak at my phone I pulled it away and said "do you mind Mammon" he looked away and I giggled because none of them had any idea what I was doing I turned to Satan because I wanted him to be with me as I knew Lucifer had work with Diavolo and said "Satan are you busy later today" he looked at me and replied

"I've got a bit of reading to do but a part from that I should be fine why"

"I was just wondering if you would like to go to that bookshop cafe that we used to go to"as I was saying this I was looking back down at my phone texting why I wanted him to go with me, once he had seen the message his face lit up and said

"Sure, I'd love to spend the day with my sister-in-law" I smiled and carried on eating my breakfast and started to make my way up to my room when I hear a knock at the door I sprinted back down the stairs and opened the door I was panting the Barbatos said

"Charlie please dont tell me you ran down those stairs" I managed to control my breathing a bit before I answered

"Maybe I did and maybe I didn't" his smile had faded and turned into a concerned face and said

"Charlie, I know you are lying, you know you shouldn't run down stairs even in your condition" I crossed my arms and replied

"We dont even know if I am or not"

"Even so you still need to be careful" his smile had returned to his face and said "I believe this belongs to you" he pulled out the test and handed it to me I thanked him for taking Lilith to school and for the pregnancy test and I went to my bathroom.

Once I had done the test I waited for for to tell me if I was pregnant or not, as I was waiting I heard a knock on the bathroom door "who is it" I asked thinking that it was Lucifer then they replied

"Its me Satan, may I come in please" i opened the door and let him into the bathroom i was starting to get nervous and Satan took my hands and said "it'll be okay, I promise" just at that moment the time had gone off because it takes about a minute for it to work i looked at Satan and said

"I cant look, can you do it" he nodded and looked at the pregnancy test, he looked at me with a smile on his face I said "what" he replied

"Charlie, you're pregnant" my face lit up and I hugged him for dear life and I started to cry he said "why are you crying are you not happy" I looked at him and said

"I'm happy crying, we should get going to the doctors for the scan as pregnancy tests can sometimes be wrong" with that we left the house and made our way to the doctors.

Once we were in the room having the scan the doctor peered at the screen with wide eyes "doctor is there something wrong" he looked at me and smiled

"No, there is nothing wrong, you are pregnant, however" Satan replied cutting him off

"However what" the doctor continued

"Princess, your going to have your hands full this time round" I was very confused and I looked at Satan and then at the doctor and said

"What do you mean" he turned the screen towards me and explained

"So if you look at the screen there is one baby, waving and that there is the other baby" my mouth fell open I looked at Satan and Satan said

"So she is going to be having twins"

"Yes" i couldn't believe it i was going to be pushing two babies out of me Satan squeezed my hand and asked

"How far along is she"

"She is three months pregnant" I wasnt really listening I was just looking at the screen at my beautiful babies that were growing inside me.

Once we were home I noticed that we had two extra visitors in the house I walked towards the sitting room where everyone was and i noticed that they were all quizzing Lilith when Lilith stop looked at me with a big smile on her face and run up to me and gave me a big hug she said "mumma I've got some big news to tell you" I giggled and said

"So have I" she guided me to a chair where i sat down and she started

"My family and friends" I thought to myself '

she sounds just like her father'

"Today at school we did a test to see what classes we are going to be in for next year, and I'm pleased to announce that I am considered as the top student in the school so I am going to be in class 1A as i got the highest mark out of the whole entire school" she has worked so hard for that I couldn't help but hug her and cry in the amount of tears I said

"Oh Lilith, I'm so proud of you, well done darling" she hugged me back we all were so happy for her as we all know how hard she worked that's when Barbatos said

"See what did I say" she giggled and said

"Hard work really pays off" she giggled then turned to me and said

"Mumma dont you have something to share to" I replied

"Yes I do" i stood up out of the chair and walked to where Lilith stood and said "so as you all know I've not been myself lately, so this afternoon, Satan took me to the doctors and I found out what's wrong" i was smiling as i pulled out the picture of my babies and they stared at it not knowing what it was Lilith knew and so did Lucifer and before i or Luicfer could say anything Lilith shouted

"MUMMA IS PREGNANT, I'M GOING TO BE A BIG SISTER" she was jumping up and down and Luicfer hugged me and started to cry and that's when I said

"Luicfer" he looked at me

"Yes" i handed him to picture and and said

"Your going to be a father of three" Luicfers eyes widened and before he could say anything Mammon said

"Wait how did you work that one out Charlie" I laughed and said

"Because my dear brother, I'm carrying twins" my husband and daughter hugged my for death life and I could see that Luicfer was still crying after Luicfer had pulled away I was hugged by everyone, Belphie looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said

"So how far along are you"

"Three months" Diavolo laughed and said

"Well looks like you two are going to have you hands full" Levi said

"But of course we'll be here to help you out" I smiled for the rest of the evening and could tell that this must be a surprise x2 for everyone.

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