Chapter 24 - graduation

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Well this is it my graduation day has finally arrived, I'm standing in front of the mirror looking at myself wearing my uniform for the last time and I can't help but feel a little sad because I'll never be wearing the uniform again, I mean I would wear a different type of uniform if I became a teacher so maybe I should become a teacher, a tear from my eye runs down my cheek as I look at my uniform straightening out any wrinkles on the skirt.

So I make my way down to breakfast and as so as I open the doors a but load of party poppers go off in my face making me jump and then I hear "HAPPY GRADUATION CHARLIE/ MOTHER" my three children of 10 and 4 came running up to me and hugged me I hugged then back as I stood up again Lucifer said

"Congratulations Charlie" he pulled me into him and kissed me on the lips while Asmo covered our children's eyes so that they didnt see, I blushed as I pulled away and said

"We've been married for 9 years and you still make my blush" and he replied

"Yep and it is still fun to see" Lilith answered

"Shouldn't we let mother eat her breakfast, I mean we dont want to make her late I can take these two to pre school as it's on the way to school, I'll see you guys tonight we'll coming with uncle Dia and uncle Barba to the show, so good luck bye" and she left with her two siblings I sat down and enjoyed my breakfast with my brothers and husband I stood up from the table and said

"Well I'll see you all at the graduation" and I left ths house and made my way to RAD for the last time as a student.

When I reach RAD I stop and think of the first time I came here when I was just an exchange student and the nervous I felt from when everyone stared at me as I came into the school grounds, but that doesn't happen anymore, as soon as I walked onto the campus I was greeted by my friend Mai she said "Charlie there you are coming our friendship group wants to take a picture" before I could say anything I was pulled over to my friendship group and we took a picture and signed our green shirts, I started to sign everyone's shirts and mine was almost full which was great, as I was walking in to the hall for the ceremony to get our awards when Diavolo stopped me and said

"Charlie, congratulations are you ready to give you speech to your year" I nodded and said

"Of course, I have the notes with me" and he laughed and we went into the hall together I made my way to my seat and saw that my family was there, Mai came running up to me and said

"Charlie you never guess what just happened"


"Adam asked me to marry him"

"Really congratulations"

"I can't believe my dream has come true, soon I'll be Mrs cross" that's right Adam and Mai havecbeen dating for a year now and it's so sweet that he asked her at graduation, we were all seated waiting for the assembly to start when Diavolo went on stage and said

"Congratulations to this years graduation class, you've all worked so hard to get to wear you are now, and I bet that you are all happy that your schools days are over and going on to more exciting things, now let's start by handing out your certificates" everyone was getting there awards for completing there year, once that was done Diavolo continued "now its time for the RAD achievement award this is a special award that we only give out to a student that has gone above and beyond in every class and in everything they do" the whole hall started to erupt with chatter Mai turned to me and said

"Who do you think is getting the award Charlie"

"I dont know, probably one of the nerds"

"Maybe, but maybe it could be someone else" we then heard Diavolo continue

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