Chapter 22 - Audition

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Well today is the day of the audition and I'm so scared all of my brother's seem to be scared to but none of them are as scared as I am, I'm pacing the floor going over my lines singing my song then I go over the dance steps one more time while backstage gets thinner and thinner, Satan seems to notice that I stop pacing the floor and start to shake with nerves he comes up and puts his arm around my back and says "Charlie you'll be fine I promise, if Mammon can go out there and perform then you can" I look at him and smile as we are one of the last people to audition I reply

"But what if i make a bum note, or mess up my lines, or worse fall on stage" he is now standing in front of me as Levi gets up and goes towards the stage for his turn

"Charlie what are you most scared of right now"

"Everyone judging my voice"

"You have a lovely voice"

"This is why I'm scared last time I auditioned for a show I was out as supporting as the lead didnt want me to take the spotlight as she would've made the drama tutors school life hell"

"Well you dont have to worry about that here okay" I nodded my head soon it was just me backstage waiting for my turn to audition.

Finally it was my turn I walked onto the stage and made my way to the centre of it, I didnt get to relax because as soon as I got to the centre I got in the starting position to start to dance, once that was done I did my monologue, then at long last it was my turn to sing Diavolo asked "what are you going to be singing for us"

"Im going to be singing with you from ghost the musical" I could here some other demon females talking

"I bet she can't even sing"

"Yeah but I bet she is going to get the main part just because of who she is"

"Yeah I agree with you" I clenched my fist and Diavolo noticed and said

"Is there something wrong Charlie" I replied

"No-nothing's wrong just nervous" Diavolo could see that I was lying but I didnt care I was going to show my voice off because apart from my brothers no one has heard me sing so this is a first, I take a deep breath and begin

"I picked up your shirts this morning
I don't know why, I don't know why
Mr Reynolds said to say hello
I started to cry, I started to cry
Every place we ever walked and
Everywhere we talked, I miss you
You never leave my mind
So much of you is left behind

You took my days with you
Took my nights with you

Those unfinished conversations
We used to have still speak to me
And I write you letters every day
That I'll never send and you'll never see
All this wishful thinking
Gets me nowhere I can't stay
Though my heart is broken
It keeps breaking every day

You took my hopes with you
Took my dreams with you

I keep thinking that you'll be calling
Everyone says that it's all in my head
And I can't accept it yet
I'm not ready to just give in
I know that I can't live in this pain
With these feelings of regret
I can't comprehend this
And pretend that I don't care
Any place I wanna be
I wanna see you there

You took my life with you
Took my world with you"

I finish the song and I look out to the other candidates and see that most of them are crying including my brothers my children were looking at me with their mouths open I quickly exit the stage and get greeted by my family Lucifer hugs me and said "that was lovely"

"Yeah when did you practice that we never heard you" Levi states coming towards me with a tissue in hand

"I went to a very secluded area full of trees so no one was able to hear me" Helena grabbed my leg and said

"But why did you go there all by yourself you could've got hurt" I hugged my daughter when Diavolo stood on the stage and said

"Thank you for auditioning today, I'll be sharing the results next week"

A week later

So the day has arrived for the results to be shared after the audition we all stand waiting for the list to be posted on the door of the hall, Barbatos came through the crowd of people and placed the list on the door all of my brother were there and once the list was placed Barbatos walked away and stood with Diavolo watching all of the cast look at the list I waited for mycturn ascites watch girls walk away happy and sad Levi came over to me said

"Charlie I got the role that I wanted"

"Really, what did you get"

"In the lighting designer and crew"

"Congratulations Levi" I gave him a hug he then said

"Have you looked yet"

"No I'm waiting for if to die down a bit" he nodded and stood with me waiting for the others we find out the Asmo is Curly's dancer as he is the only Male that can do ballet, Mammon is Andrew Carnes, Belphie is Ali Hakim, Beel is Jud Fry, Satan is Will Parker and Lucifer is Curly. So it just leaves me to go and see after everything had calmed down I made my way to the sheet of paper all of the girls had moved out of the way so that I could look.

I started from the bottom and made my way to the top and right up at the top was my name next to the character Laurey I couldn't believe it I just couldn't I walked away with some of the girls patting me on the back as they were happy I looked at my brothers and started to cry Lucifer new why i was crying so he came over and hugged me and said "congratulations Charlie, i knew you could do it" all of the came over to see why i was crying Asmo said

"Charlie, what are you crying what part did you get"

"I got Laurey the lead female" I was so happy that I that I still couldn't believe it all of my family congratulated me and in celebration we all thought that we would order so pizza and have a movie night and I have to say that being given the lead role is one more this to cross off my bucket list.

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