Chapter 11 - Lilith's fever

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Well what can I say about motherhood, it's hard very hard, I keep getting woken up in the night having to feed or change her or just because she wants cuddles, Luicfer is helping to of course, we take it in turns to go to her of a night and most of the time we are both so tired that we just go straight to bed, I will say that I feel sorry for luicfer he has to go to school while I'm at home looking after Lilith, but he still manages to come out on top.

One morning I come down to breakfast with the baby monitor in hand and place it on the table and I groan and place my head on the table when Satan said "Charlie is everything alright" I look up at him all he cam see is huge bags under my eyes and I say

"No everything isnt okay" I face plant the table making all the cutlery jump Luicfer said

"How is she now Charlie" head still on the table I reply

"Well her fever is still high but she has stopped being sick now" I look up at the others while Beel brings me a cup of tea to try and wake me up he said

"What's wrong with Lilith"

"She woke up last night, with a very high fever I stripped her down to her nappy and put a cold cloth on her but her fever is still high" belphie looked concerned replied

"Will she be okay"

"Yeah she'll be okay, my siblings went through the same thing and they were fine" just at that moment the baby monitor goes off with Lilith crying I leave the baby monitor on the table and I make my way up to see my poorly little girl.

I walk into the bed bedroom and seeing my poor little baby crying I say "oh my poor little girl, it's okay mumma is here" I pick her up out of her cot and hold her in my arms "it's okay mumma's got you now, ssshhh" I keep cuddling her but she doesn't stop "what's the matter little one, your not hungry, you dont need changing" and that's when I notice her face was all blotchy and I scream "LUCIFER"

Lucifer's P.O.V

I watch Charlie walk out of the room and go up to our crying daughter, I can hear her on the baby monitor talking to our little one "oh my poor little girl, it's okay mumma is here" it breaks my heart to hear her dry like cry I look over at the rest of my brother when Satan said

"Charlie is such a great mum" I blush because I love it when my brothers pay her compliments and just as I was about to speak we hear Charlie on the monitor saying

"it's okay mumma's got you now, ssshhh" Beel looks concerned to I turn to him and say

"Is everything alright Beel" he looked at me and replied

"I just hate hearing Lilith cry like that"

"I know what you mean" I just happened to glance over at my sumbag brother Mammon biting his nails as he listens to Lilith's crys

"Mammon she'll be okay, she is with Charlie"

"Yeah I know but I cant help it" I knew what he meant it was unusual that she was still crying because by now Charlie has calmed her down but not today I started to drink my coffee when I hear Charlie on the monitor scream

"LUCIFER" I look up and all of my brother's faces and I stand up knocking my chair out from underneath me and run towards Charlie with my brother's close behind me.


I have Lilith in my arms and she bright red blotches all over her body and she is still scream her heart out and it hurts to see her like this just after I shouted for Luicfer he came running in with the rest of the family, Lucifer came running at me anx said "Charlie, what wrong what's the matter" st
still tears streaming down my face I manage to say

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