Chapter Two- Its all my fault.

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Since that day, Michael hasn't come out of his room. He only comes out to eat with his family. They miss him. William heard this loud noise coming from Michael's room. He walked up the stairs, and leaned against the door. He heard Michael playing a song at full volume.

'Poor Michael. He has to dealw ith this guilt now.' William thought. He knocked on the door, and the music stopped. Michael opened the door. "Hey Michael. I was wondering if you wanted to come to work with us. We just didn't want you to be alla alone here." William said smiling. Michael sighed, and shut the door. H e came back out wearing a black shirt with jeans and a black jacket, since it was winter at the time. They walked downstairs, ad to the car. When Elizabeth saw him, she ran to him. "Michael! Its been so long since i've seen you out of your room! I missed you Mikey." She said with saddness in her voice. Michael hugged her and smiled. "I'm sorry. I just havn't been feeling myself lately." He said. They both ran to the car, and drove off.

They arrived at the dinner, but something was different. There was a construction crew there. They all got out of the car, and ran up to the front. "Hey! Whats going on here?!" William shouted. A man in a suit and tie looked at him. "Oh, wll since the accident, we have to close and demolish this place." He said. William sighed. He signed the paperwork, and they went home. "Hey mom, can i use your car for something?" Michael asked. Clara smiled and nodded, as Michael went to the door.

He arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, and went inside. "Hello sir! Are you here to see a patient?" The nurse at the front desk asked Michael. He nodded while smiling. "I would like to see Christopher Afton." Michael said. The nurse looked through her computer, and turned back to Michael. "He's in room 326 dear." The nurse replied. Michael thanked the nurse, and went to the elevator. He went to floor 3 and to Chris's room. H e opened the door, and saw Chris laying unconcious on the hospital bed. Michael walked over, and sat in the chair next to him. Chris had bandages rapped all around his head.

Michael took Chris's hand and held it in his. Tears built up in Michaels eyes, seeing his own brother like this. "If you can hear me Chris, i'm sorry." Michael said, feeling tears stream down his face. The machine reading Chris's heart rate started beeping fast and crazy. Then, there was just a long beep. The line was flat. "No. No! NO! CHRIS! PLEASE STAY! YOU CANT LEAVE." Michael screamed, falling to his knees.He still held Chris's hand, which was now getting colder and colder. A few nurses rushed into the room.

"Sir! You need to leave!" The nurse yelled to Michael. Michael just sat there, holding Chris's lifeless body in his arms. "NO! YOU CANT LEAVE ME! I CANT BE ALONE AGAIN!" Michael yelled, still holding Chris in his arms. A nurse dragged him out of the room, and his family was standing there. "Michael what happened?!" William asked sitting on the floor next to Michael. "He- He's dead!" Michael yelled, hugging William. He sat there crying into his shoulder. Clara and Elizabeth were also crying.

"Its all my fault. I'm so sorry Chris."

Im Sorry... (Michael Afton's Story)Where stories live. Discover now