I Don't Care Who the IRS Sends I'm Not Payin' Taxes

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I do not own the art, I believe the watermark is Liven Zu, but please tell me if I'm misinformed! Her eyes are blue by the way, but otherwise this art is amazing and I take not credit for it's making.

I do not own Demon Slayer or any characters

(I wish!)↑

Himo Sotte, you were named that, after a not so sweet father and his opposite, a sweet but diminishing mother, after the age of twelve, you were allowed to leave home alone, your father didn't care for you as much as he did his wife, your mother couldn't come with you although she wished as well to leave this hell hole of a home you, Himo, would cut wood or collect coal to then sell it down at the village. You were presently thirteen years of age though seemed to be younger physically.

You were walking down the mountain in a coat, boots, and scarf, and to the nearby village to sell some of the wood you chopped, you could barely do it when you were younger but you were stronger than you looked now, your father was a demon Slayer, never a Hashira ranked fighter but after a while, he stopped, he still had his swords in the house but he was always paranoid, never letting his guard down, he never took blame either if he injured you or your mother if he said it was good reason, he would sometimes snow you into thinking it was all your fault and if you trained harder, you wouldn't get hurt. He was an occasional gaslighter.

With that mindset and all the training, you could've and even currently can, probably become a Demon Slayer as well, but you were okay with the quiet life, you had your father's sword to protect yourself anyway, he'd taught you how to hold and use it, it came with some bruises and scars though, but that's what tough love is...right?

Your father never went to the village, he didn't enjoy being around people or having friends, you understood why, your father had many friends in the group of Slayers, but all of them were killed in front of him, it made his movements sloppy and he was nearly killed, which was why he left..or more, let go...

You learned he never took fault for injuries to you or your mother, and you learned it that the hard way which is why you wear an eye patch, although it may be uncomfortable, you'd been slashed when you were younger by a demon but not killed because your father, at his prime time, he killed it in time but accidentally hit your eye, it healed but was not scar gone, it never went away no matter what you tried.

The scar was scary, when your father looked at you, he hated you, thinking of his old life, if he didn't have anyone he loved, he wouldn't need to stay in one spot nor would he have been let go. Your appearance is above.


Himo sighed, going down and seeing the lights and paper lanterns strung on the walls and parapets of the roof, her boots crunching in the snow as she shuffled through the foot of snow that had fallen the previous night and caused her to wear a coat. But the strange thing was that she wasn't too affected by the cold, she rather enjoyed it. On the contrary, she despised the heat and daytime in general with a burning passion. Her eye patch covered her left peripheral vision but she had amazing eyesight so it was a slight a weak point, sure, she still had some issues with seeing to the left but many people would poke and prod her until she proved them wrong.

You...are her...

"-like a cat." A voice said behind her rang out, Tanjiro, was a minor acquaintance who had an an amazing sense of smell that it even amazed her, coal was piled high in his basket, "Hey Tanjiro!" She greeted with a small wave and went into a building, Tanjiro waved back and smiled before he was out of her sight. Someone must've had a broken plate and suspected the wrong person, Tanjiro said it was probably a cat.

She met someone who always bought wood from her, from when she clumsily cut it to when she was little but had now perfected it, "Shoku!" Himo yelled, a woman named Shoku walked out, she gave her some ramen and bought the wood, it was like a mother daughter relationship but she enjoyed it, her father disapproved but Himo didn't care.

People called her and Tanjiro left and right to stock up on wood and coal, by the end of the day, her basket was light and empty while her pockets were full of coins and bills from her sales which she smiled about underneath her bundle of a scarf. At least today would bring enough medicine for her mother.

As she started to see the roof of her house peeking through the branches, her eyesight was almost too well, she could see the smallest things and changed along with being perceptive, she could listen through lies and finish logic puzzles. Her mother was proud whenever she got the chance to teach Himo, to sum it all up, she was unnaturally smart to say the least, which made up for her smaller size and lack of arm strength.

Her senses were heightened to an extreme, not to Tanjiro's smell but her hearing was good, she could sense footsteps or small sounds. People in the village commented on how well she could hear and identify just by feeling. It made up for her reduced eyesight and depth perception and the fact she was constantly bumping into the corners of things like tables and doorways. She was also sharp in terms of survival smarts, she noticed things people didn't and kept note, like which trees were marked by animals.

But as she neared the house, something felt off about the mood, it shifted to be colder than the environment around her, acting almost hostile all of a sudden, she saw...a red drop?....Blood is the worst case scenario, 'We didn't plan on painting anything let alone buying paint today, money is already tight, father would've informed me about it otherwise...so...'

Himo got worried about her family, sure her father was horrid but her mother and father being hurt would feel like a stab to the heart to her, even if their relationship wasn't the healthiest of all, so she ran faster, reaching the door and peeking in...her mother....a demon, her father, dead with a note clutched in his hand.

Two options, accept defeat or...open the glass case that held her father's sword....she chose...

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