Chapter 1: One For All Style: Hellfire Jutsu [Deku]

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  Over the years, I learned more jutsu, and the more powerful that I got, the more Kacchan started to respect me. It's been 11 years since I got my quirk, and I have a vast variety of jutsu. A couple techniques I haven't learned yet are the rasengan and the chidori, but other than those two, I have most ninjutsu down, a little taijutsu, and one genjutsu technique down. I am now apparently the only person Kacchan actually respects as a rival.
   It's the midterms of school A/N if it doesn't make sense, then I'll explain. When he starts the 10 months of training, he still has school for around the first 5 months. So that's why it's the midterms, not the end of the year.
"You guys are all third years now. It's time to start thinking seriously about your futures!" The teacher said, slightly raising his voice. We didn't know what he was thinking. He KNEW that we all wanted to be heroes, so why ask? "But, I know y'all wanna be heroes, so I won't even hand out the forms for your future career forms," the teacher said, with all the class excitedly using their quirks, well except for Kacchan and I.
"Hey teach! Dont lump me and Zuk in with these buncha losers, we're the real deal, but those guys will be lucky to end up sidekicks to some busted D-lister. Heh!" Kacchan yelled, his ego going slightly out of control, causing the rest of the class to be enraged. "HEH! LET'S GO WE'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!!" Kacchan cockily yelled. "Kacchan, please don't get them mad at me too," I whimpered, not wanting to get into another fight. "C'mon Zuk, with your skill you could take us ALL if you wanted, INCLUDING me," Kacchan stated, even though he normally NEVER puts himself below others, yet he still made himself aware of the skill gap between us.
"You did place second in the physical tests and third in the paper test, with Midoriya placing first in both. Maybe you two will get into UA," the teacher stated, leaving most of the class in shock. "That's why it's the only place worthy for Zuk and I. We're the ONLY ones at this school who stands a chance at getting in!" Kacchan yelled, stating the obvious.
   After the day had ended, students were leaving, and discussing their plans for after school, while I was taking notes on Mt.Lady's quirk, when Kacchan took my notebook out of my hands and stuffed it in my bag. "I don't know why the hell you still do this shit Zuk, but you're easily more powerful than most of the heroes in your notes, so why even bother. Your gang is going to go to the arcade when you leave, so are you gonna come along, or are you gonna practice more jutsu?" Kacchan asked. I never wanted a posse, but my powerful quirk drew them in. " I have some free time, so I'll go to the arcade with you guys," I replied, trying to think of  a brand new jutsu. "AIGHT! BOIS WE HEADIN' OUT!!" Kacchan yelled, and the rest of our group followed us out.
  We went to the arcade, and after a while, Kacchan and I went home. I've always looked up to Kacchan, because of his confidence, and his cool quirk. But, he has told me, that in the same way, he has looked up to me, because of my immense power, great reflexes, my byakugon, and my extremely positive mental attitude. In my opinion, just because you have great power, doesn't mean you can just look down on others. That's why I don't look up to Endeavor. He just simply hates everything around him. I always have wanted to be like All Might, saving people, with a smile on my face. Sure, my hand sign weaving takes less than a second, but, that took a lot of time, and I have to memorize every jutsu. I want to learn the rasengan, so that I can have a jutsu that is instantaneous, without hand signs. Then, as we were walking under a bridge, a manhole cover popped open, and a sludge dude came out. "One of you'll make a perfect skin suit, for me to hide in, so thanks for being my hero," the sludge monster gargled, jumping on Kacchan. "GET THE HELL OFF MEEEE!!!! DIIIIIEEEEE!!!" Kacchan screamed, using his quirk, but the explosions were no good, it just turned the small bit of sludge on his hands darker. I stood there, in shock, not knowing what to do. Then, it hit me! BOAR, TIGER, OX, MONKEY, BOAR! "WIND STYLE: FOCUSED AIR BOMB!!" I yelled, and I focused a lot of chakra into my first, and I punched, while grabbing Kacchan's hand. The air was. Extremely powerful, I was barely able to stand, it was like a Detroit Smash! The villain went flying, and then, All Might jumped out of the sewer! "AHAHAHA!! FEAR NOT, BECAUSE I AM HERE!.... Thank you young men for capturing the villain, and you, young one with the green hair, come with me. I need to talk to you about something." All Might exclaimed."WOAH, ALL MIGHT!!" Kacchan and I yelled. "Sure, I'll come with y-you A-A-All Might!" I agreed, and we went a little ways away from Kacchan, and I told him to stay right there.
   "I'm I-Izuku M-Midoriya, n-nice to meet you All Might!!" I said, voice cracking at almost every syllable. "YOUNG MIDORIYA!! *POOF*" Then the person who stood in front of me was a deflated man, who kinda looked like a very skinny All Might. "AAAH!! ALL MIGHT WHAT HAPPENED!!" I screamed. "Kid, keep it down," Smol Might said, and then explained,"I can only use my power for a certain amount of time these days, around four hours now. Few people actually know my quirk. It's called One For All. It was made by the villain All For One on accident, it is a stockpiling quirk that he gave to his brother, who appeared to be quirkiest, but he actually had a quirk that let him pass on his quirk to others. The two quirks fused, and One For All was made, it is a sacred torch passed down for generations, used to try and take down All For One, passed to those who are worthy of it. And now, it's your turn." "H-h-hold on a second! To be sure All Might's quiek is one of the seven greatest mysteries of the world, and there's been endless debate on what it is online, and now he says it's been passed on to him? Naturally I have no idea how this could happen, you can't just give your quirk to another like a gift, if you could it would change all we know about quirks to begin with, I mean we use the term quirk to begin with because each power or characteristic is unique to each individual. But having his quirk passed on to him isn't even a theory anyone's proposed before and that's mostly because we don't know much about what quirks really are in the first place...mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter.." I ramble on and on. "DO YOU WANT MY AWESOME POWER OR NOT!! *blood vomit intensifies*" Smol Might yells. "Yes Sir!" I excitedly reply, waiting for it to happen. "Kid, not that you aren't fit or anything, but you need to get more fit, or your limbs might pop off when using One For All. So for the next ten months, you'll be following my self designed "PASS THE TEST AMERICAN DREAM PLAN" with me as your personal trainer. For the next ten months, you'll be training by cleaning Takoba Municipal Beach Park without using your quirk," smol might explained. A/N I know in the anime it's Dagoba, BUT I'm using the manga as well as the anime as a reference. "Can I tell Kacchan about this?" I ask, expecting no for the answer. "Young Midoriya, if you can trust him enough, you can, you should probably also tell your mother about it, too. Other than those you know you can trust, tell no one," smol might answered.
  After that, ten months of literal hell was next. I told Kacchan and my mom about me training with All Might and One for All. I finished the beach about a week before the exam. I didn't personally care to much about the toning of my body, but I was rocking a  ten pack. "Now, Young Midoriya, to use my power, clench your buttcheeks, and tell from the depths of your heart: SMAAAAAAAASH!!" All Might instructed. I used my arm, and did as All Might said to. There was a powerful force, and SHIT!!! I BROKE MY FUCKIN ARM!! Luckily, I know medical ninjutsu, so I healed myself instantly. "That hurt a lot, I wonder the best way to use this. I wonder if using it across my whole body would help, as well as maybe lowering how much power I use. It doesn't need chakra to be used, but I wonder if it amplifies my jutsu. Hmmmmmm mutter mutter mutter mutter," I ramble. "HEY KID!! STOP NERDIN OUT!!" smol might said, "what did that  smash feel like?" "Idunno, like POW! or ZZZAP! or.. um... OH! LIKE A BUNCH OF DYNAMITE GOING OFF!" I yellled. "That's a pretty good image. So now that you have an image try shortening the sticks or reduce the amount of sticks," All Might explained. I did what he said, and also spread the power all over my body, I called it full cowling. I found that I can use 15% safely. "Hey All Might, can I try something?" I ask. All Might replied "What is it?" "I need to see if ofa amplifies my jutsu." I respond. I activate 15% of Full Cowling, I start weaving hand signs, green sparks flying around my body. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!!!" I tell. I hold my pointer finger and my thumb in front of my mouth, with a little space in between, and I blow. Instead of a smaller, orange fire fireball, it was an extremely large, green fireball! "HOLY STINKING SUPERCRAP! THAT WAS AMAZING!!" All Might proudly yelled. "THAT'S MY SPECIAL MOVE!! I'll call it.... One For All Style: Hellfire Jutsu!!

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