Chapter 6: Her... [Deku]

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A/N I'm doing a double-update on this story simply cuz I want to. Also slight lemon warning.

The girl who who was walking out of a classroom with Midnight was quite tall, very, well, developed in certain areas, had pink hair that's the color of my eyes, purple eyes, and had the whisker marks that Naruto has. 'NO NOT HER!!' I think, wanting to avoid the girl from class 2-A as much as possible. "OH!!! Hi Zuk-kun~," she said, folding her hands in front of her, forcing her breasts outwards. "H-H-Hi Rasutoburesu-senpai," I reply, to which she says, "Zuk-kun, how many times do I have to say it, to you it's Akuma-kko-chan." "Who is she Midoriya?" Jirou asks,and instead of me, Midnight replies, "This is Akuma-kko Rasutoburesu, she's a second year at UA, and she is my disciple, like how Midoriya there is All Might's." "NANI!?!" Some people shouted, and I started freaking out, thinking, 'HOW does she know that I'm All Might's disciple?' "And Little Akuma-kko here is Midoriya's love interest," Midnight says, and all color drains from my face. "M-M-M-Midnight? D-D-Do y-you know how t-t-terrible of a situation you just put me in?" I ask her, and she has a confused look on her face. "SHE'S RIGHT! C'mon Zuk-kun, let's go out tonight!!" Akuma-kko-senpai says, basically begging me to go out with her. "U-uh, what?" I ask, wanting out of the situation immideately. You see, we bothe went to Aldera junior high, and when I got in, I started working out. We were childhood friends, but when I started getting stronger and more toned, that's when things started getting weird.


"C'mon Zuk-kun, let's get going home! Follow me!" Akuma-kko senpai said, with a little pep in her step. We continued walking, when I noticed we weren't going home. "Rasutoburesu-senpai, where are we going? This isn't the way home, and why is there no one around?" I ask. "Well, If you want to know Zuk-kun~," Akuma-kko-senpai said, "It's cuz I wnted to spend more time with you! Ever since you started junior high, we haven't hung out a lot!" "Ok, but that doesn't explain why no one's around," I respond, and she does something I'd never expect. She kissed me. "Rasutoburesu-senpai, what was that for!" I squeal in embarassment. "C'mon Zuk-kun, you've been so distant lately, let's catch up~" she said, pushing me against a fence and started a make-out session with me. But, being honest, it was just her kissing me, and trying to put her tounge in my mouth. "C'mon Zuk-kun, y'know how my quirk gets when you're just sitting there being a snacc~" she teases, and I somehow manage to blush more. "Y-y-you never told me what y-y-your quirk i-is though!" I manage to get out before she kisses me again. "i never told you? Hmm that's a shame, you would've loved to take notes on it~" she says seductively, but before she can kiss me again, I say, "Rasutoburesu-senpai, I need to get home! my workout scedual is very stict!" "Awww, I would've loved to continue this, but fine. Just so you can keep your hot bod, k~?" She says, and we walk home.

This type of ting happened almost regularly after that, but it was only when my second year began, when she took it too far. It was a different route every time, but this time it was the same route as the first time, towards the part of the city that was deserted. "Rasutoburesu-senpai, why do you insist we keep doing this?" I ask, but she doesn't respond. "Rasutoburesu-senpai, come on, if you don't tell me, then I won't keep doing this.!" I say, and that gets her attention. "Well you see, it's because pf my quirk," she says before kissing me again. She kisses and tries to slip her tounge in for about ten minutes before I push her off me. "Rasutoburesu-senpai, you havn't told me what your quirk is though!?" I squeal, but she took the oportunity with my mouth being open, to kiss me with tounge. It was completely different experience than what I had ever experienced before. She said, "Zuk-kun, you taste so gooood~" and that broke my mid. 'WHAT!? What does she mean? How does this relate to her quirk?' I think, ut she cuts off my train of though by grabbing my crotch. "Y'see, normally kissing you and masturbating keeps the urges at bay, but now that I'm so close to leaving you, I just want you in me~" she says, "And how this relates to my quirk? Well you see, my quirk is Succubus." She was about to put her hand in my pants, when I stopped her. "O-O-OK, I get t-that, b-but, you're making me really uncomfortable, so i-if y-you d-d-don't mind, I'm going home!" I say, and I run home. I never told Mom about any of this, because I beleived that I handled it. But occasionally, I would find her flying around my window, watching me work out, or even one time when I was about to change.

Flashback End

"I mean, c'mon Zuk-kun, we're lovers, right? So let's go out tonight!!" Akuma-kko-senpai says. "Fine," I mumble. "YAY! It's been so long since we've gone out Zuk-kun~," she says excitedly, but she then wishpers in my ear, "What's it been, two years?" That causes me to blush. As she walked by, she smacked my ass, "eep!" was my response. 'I've fucked up. I'm gonna die tonight.'

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