Chapter 10: Choosing Internships

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A/N: HEY! Another chapter, and HOLY SHIT!! OVER 300 READS YOU GUYS ARE INSANE!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Also, ship is back to what it was. Don't question it, I'll make it work.

    [Deku POV]

  "Morning," Aizawa stated, walking into the classroom, "Today, we have an important Hero Informatics class today." 'Hero informatics?' I think, 'Should be easy, I've studied it all!' Some people have sweat dripping down thier face. "Today, you'll be making codenames. In other words, you're creating your hero identities," Aizawa states. "HELL YEAH!! AWESOME!!!" The class shouted, other than Kacchan, Todoroki, and I. "But, first, concerning the pro drafts I mentioned the other day, it's based on who the pros think'll be prepared to work as a hero in two or three years. By sending you guys offers, they are essentially investing in your potential," Mr.Aizawa said, "Any offers can be resended, of course. Now here are the offers, and Midoriya, you have some offers from out of the country."

Class A Draft Pick Totals:

Midoriya: 10,420,069

Todoroki: 4,123

Bakugo: 3,456

Tokoyami: 360

Iida: 301

Jiro: 299

Kaminari: 272

Yaoyorozu: 108

Uraraka: 20

Sero: 14

Mineta: -12

"Mineta, in your case, twelve of the offers available to everyone have been blocked to you by request of those agencies," Aizawa explained, "It's true that while you've experienced villains for yourself, seeing the pros in action up close and taking part yourselves will still be worthwile training." "And that's where our hero names come in!" Sato shouted. "They're only tenative, but you still want to choose something appropriate," Aizawa said, and Midnight walked in and finished his statement saying, "Or you may end up with something utterly indecent permanently."

   Boards were handed out, and people wrote down their hero names, (Which go as cannon up until Bakugo's turn) "Ground Zero!" Kacchan shouted, slamming hsi board on the podium. Midnight deemed this appropriate, and Iida went up. "My brother, Ingenium, can no longer be a hero," he said, as he flipped his board so everyone could see the name he chose, "But he asked me to take his name, so I am Ingenium!" "So the only one who has to choose their name yet is Midoriya," Midnight stated, and I walked up,  and placed my board for everyone. "Green Shinobi?" Midnight asked, "Like the song artist Your Green Shinobi?" I'm pretty sure my pupils contracted fora second, before returning to normal. "Really?" I ask, you know, like a liar, "Didn't notice."

  After that, we all chose the agencies we were going to intern with. I chose Edgeshot. "I'm going with Mt.Lady!!" Mineta shouted before getting tounge slapped by Asui for perverted thoughts. Everyone else said who they were going with. "Who's agency are you going to, Midoriya?" Iida asked me as we were heading to lunch. "Edgeshot's," I say like it was obvious, "He's known for being a ninja, so I should learn a lot by interning with him." I hear some chuckling behind a corner, but I ignore it. We hand in our applications, and we head home.

   On Monday, we all go to UA to grab our costumes for our internship, and we head to the train station so we can get to our internships. "Hey Iida!" I shout to get his attention, "Listen, I'm your friend. So, if you're having a problem, you can talk to me about it, okay?" "Thank you, Midoriya, I'll take you up on your offer someday," He said before heading onto his train. I head on my train, and a couple minutes, a girl with pink hair in a UA uniform boards the bus, but I can't get a look at her face, so I disregard her existence near mine. An hour passes, and the train stops in Hosu city, and I head to Edgeshot's agency.

   I open the door, and Immediately notice a kunai heading towards my face. I activate my sharingan, and catch the kunai by the handle, and flip it in my hand so that I can deflect the other kunai heading near me, but it was kinda missaimed. "Good reflexes," Edgeshot says, coming out of the shadows, "SHarp and heroic. That's good. I'm glad that I was able to take on the first year and second year that I wanted to have intern with me." "Second year?" I ask, before my question is answered. "Hiiiiiiii Zuk-kun~" the immistakable voice of Akuma-kko-senpai says. "H-Hi Akuma-kko-senpai," I say, before the worst words to ever be uttered in this scenerio are said by Edgeshot.

"We only have one dorm room available, so you two are going to have to be roommates," Edgeshot said.

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