Chapter 7: Grandpa's First and Final Gift To Me [Deku]

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   I was sitting in the living area of the dorms, and I'm just kinda zoning out when someone hugs my from behind. "Zuk-kun, let's go out! Right now!" Rasutoburesu-senpai basically screams into my ear. "Okay, let's go then," I reply, regretting the decision I made about three hours ago. "MIDORIYA, HOW COME YOU GET THE HOT BABE! SOE OF US WANT TO TOUCH BO-" Mineta screamed, when he was interrupted by Asui's toungue smacking him. "Thanks, Asui-san," I say, very thankful that she shut up the grapist, when the second biggest perv, who is my 'girlfriend', said something that caused my blush to multiply by ten. "Well, sorry grape boy, but Zuk-kun here is the only person in the entire school who can touch these puppies~" Rasutoburesu-senpai says, turning my head into a sandwich with her breasts as the bread, "Anyways, let's go Zuk-kun." "Alright, Rasutoburesu-senpai," I say almost showing how dissapointed how I was being forced into a date with her. "REMEMBER!! It's Akuma-kko-chan to you~"  Rasutoburesu-senpai tells me for the fiftieth time.

  As I go up to my room to change into some better clothes than what I was wearing, Rasutoburesu-senpai went out the front door. I enter my room, and close the curtains to my balcony after locking said balcany door. After all, wouldn't want Rasutoburesu-senpai to watch me changing. I change into a sweatshirt that looked like the Akatsuki robe

and just wear some denim jeans with it, along with my red high tops

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and just wear some denim jeans with it, along with my red high tops. I walk out the front door, just in time for Rasutoburesu-senpai to land carefully on my shoulders, like a parent with their child riding on their shoulders. "Awww that was a dirty trick Zuk-kun~" Rasutoburesu-senpai complains, "You closed the window while you changed, how am I supposed to keep my quirk at bay when I can't even see you." "Um, y-you aren't s-s-supposed to see m-me ch-change," I stutter out, not wanting this to go like the last time I was with her, "S-so, where a-are we going Rasu- I mean Akuma-kko-chan." She giggles, saying, "Well, I know how much you like ramen, so we're going to  a local ramen place called Men'ya Rich Ramen. Personally, I really like what they make."

   We left for the ramen place, which was pretty small, and looked similar to Ichiraku Ramen from Naruto. We sat down and Akkuma-kko-chan placed her order. "Hey Ryōrijin-sama, I'll have the regular, what would you like, Zuk-kun?" Akuma-kko-chan asks me, as I look at the menu. "I woud like a medium bowl of tonkotsu ramen, with three pork slices, please," I say, the size of my order being smaller than what I would usually get because I've never eaten here, and every shop's ramen tastes different. "Alright, so a large koikuchi shoyu, with tewlve pork slices, and a medium tonkotsu ramen with three pork slices, is that correct?" Ryōrijin asks, to which Akuma-kko-chan replies, "Yep!" "Alright, it'll be a bit, but your orders should be ready soon," Ryōrijin says, before turning around to start cooking. "Why'dya not get your regular order, Zuk-kun?" Akuma-kko-chan asks me, and I say simply, "Well, each place's ramen tastes different. I might as well get something smaller so I can see if I like it."  We are served our food and I start eating my ramen. "This is really good!" I say honestly. I talk to Akuma-kko-chan and Ryōrijin-sama for a bit, and I'm actually having a bit of fun. 'Wonder how fun this would be if I was with Jirou instead,' I think, 'Hold up WHAT!' "Alright, Zuk-kun, I'm going over to the bookstore across the street to pick up volume 12 of Blue Exorcist, Stay here, K?" Akuma-kko-chan says. "Alright," was my simple response being on my tenth bowl of ramen. She left, and then was when Ryōrijin started to talk to me seriously.

   "So, let me guess, you're not actually Akuma-kko-san's boyfriend, are you?" he asks me, and I reply, "Nope, this is our first date, and the only reason I said yes was because she told my class we were dating and I didn't want to have to eal with the headache of having her whine while keeping up her act." Ryōrijin sighs, and I wonder why, but he then asks me, "Do you like her?" "Honestly, not really," was my response, "We were friends a while back, but I beleive she was going to rape me before I said I was uncomfortable and went home. I cut my connections with her then." "Heh, she talks about you a lot," Ryōrijin tells me, "Whenever she's here she's always Zuk-kun this and Zuk-kun that, and how she just didn't have the courage to ask you out. Of course, her quirk doesn't make things much better for her. She must have much more extreme urges than a regular teen, so I imagine she just caved into them at that moment." I dwelled on that for a couple moments before I said, "To be completely honest, if she asked me out back then, I would've said yes. We were best friends, and it wouldn't be honest to say I didn't have a small crush on her at one time. But after what she did, or tried to do, I haven't had a crush since then." "Well, is there someone who you would rather be here with?" Ryōrijin asked me, and I replied, "Yeah, actually.  Her nam is Kyouka Jirou, and she's kinda nice, but really tsundere. She's also really into music, and she's kinda cute-" I clasp my hand over my mouth. "Heh, kid, I'm no expert, but I beleive you have a crush," Ryōrijin tells me, "And, please don't keep up this act with Akuma-kko being your girlfriend. You'll hurt yourself and her if you do." "Alrigh-" I was saying before he cuts me off, "Also, bring that Jirou girl here some time." "I will! Also, Ryōrijin, you can call me by my first name, Izuku, seeing as I'm gonna come around here a lot more!" "Alright Izuku, hope you figure out your troubles," was his response. I got another bowl of ramen, and just as I was finishing, Akuma-kko-chan came back, with a lot more than just volume 12 of Blue Exorcist. "Akuma-kko-chan, did you buy out the whole store?" I ask jokingly. "Unfortunately not, but I did pick up the first ten volumes of a manga called Fairy Tale, so I'll be starting that soon. Also, you should totally use shadow clones next time we fuck," Akuma-kko-chan said with a completely strait face. I momentarily choked on my noodles, fixed the problem, and then stuttered out, "A-AKUMA-KKO-CHAN!! Y-Y-You c-can't j-just talk about stuff like t-that in p-public!" I had a huge blush on my face. Then someone put hsi hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Izuku, come over here and give your grandfather a hug. I took the out the old man was giving me, and went with him.

  "Thanks for that, sir. I was in an awkward situation, so you really helped me there," I say, thanking the old man. "Oh, by the way," the old man says, as we walk past a street lamp, I see his face. He has grey hair, curly and messed up, a little longer than mine. He had four freckles under his green eyes. Then, on his cheeks, he had three whisker marks. He was quite tall, probably around 9 feet (3 meters) tall. "My name is Tsudzurao Midoriya." A/N I know it's a wierd name, but that's how google translate spelt how people would normally spell 'Kyubi'. SO, with that little tidbit, and the pocture at the top of this chapter, I think you know what happens next. "HOLD ON!" I squeal, "So, you're actually my grandfather?" "Yep, and my quirk is the same as yours too. Chakra network. Most of your Pop's side of the family has that quirk. I suppose with him, it skipped a generation. He ended up with a quirk that was a half-assed fireball jutsu," my grandfather told me, "Anyways, I'm glad I found you. I'm dying of an Illness that can't be cured tommorow, so I'm giving you your first and final gift from me. So tell me, sonny, do you like foxes or tigers better?" I just stand there confused. 'What does a gift have to do with foxes or tigers?' I think. "Eh, we dont have time for that," he said, weaving hand signs. He shouted, "FORBIDDEN ART: TAILED BEAST TRANSFER TECHNIQUE: NINE TAILED FOX!" He the placed his hand on my chest, and I could see the red chakra being poured from him into me. It burned, a lot. "AUGH!!" I yell, feeling a burn from the new foul chakra being poured into me. "All shinobi from our bloodline have been villains, do damnit, you'll have a hard time being a hero. *COUGH* *COUGH* So, just cave in," my grandfather said, as his dying words. I left him there, and ran back to Men'ya Rich Ramen. We paid for our meal, and left.

  "Akuma-kko-chan. There's something I should tell you," I say, wanting to get this over with now, rather than later. "What is it Zuk-kun?" she asked, hoping it was a confession of love. "I don't want to be your boyfriend. I'm sorry about your quirk's effects on you, but you almost raped me. So, I dont feel comfortable dating you. You look nice, yeah, but I would hate to drag you on a false hope like that, and I'd hate myself for dating someone for their looks alone," I say, looking into her eyes. Her world was shattered. Slowly, a tear trickled down her face. That tear slowly turned into a water fall, as she began to cry over her rejection. "WHY!" she screamed,"ANY OTHER GUY AT UA WOULD NEVER DREAM OF REJECTING ME, SO WHY? CAN'T WE JUST HAVE ONE MORE DATE? PLEASE, ZUK-KUN, I NEED YOU IN MY LIFE!" "Sorry, Akuma-kko-chan, but, this just won't work out like it would've if you'd just asked me out a couple years ago," I say to her, trying to sound as comforing as possible.

  We walk back to UA, and we get there just before curfew set in. I walk into the door, ignore everyone's questions, and get straight to bed.

'This was one hell of a day.'

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