Chapter 13: Return

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A/N: The firts shall be last and the last shall be first. This was the 'first' fanfic i wrote. I had one that came before that I deleted. Reason: Izuocha. That was the ship. Bleuagh. This story, though, holds a special place in my heart. Naruto was the first anime I ever watched, and My Hero Academia is my favorite anime, so a combination of the two holds dear to me. How I got into fanfiction was actually quite anticlimactic. I just got bored one day and looked up 'DekuxTsuyu fanfiction' and got sucked in. Now, let me show you this new jutsu I figured out! New Chapter-no jutsu!

   [Deku POV]

  Monday rolled around, and we were back to class. Pretty much everyone was discussing their internships, sans the antisocial ones. Nobody really pointed me out for beating the hero killer, which wsa nice. I don't need much attention. The door opened, to reveal Mr.Aizawa. "Class is in session," he said blandly, "So shut the fuck up and sit down. You didn't learn how to be quiet at your internships? Damn. Anyways, in the upcoming weeks, your first semester finals are soming up. Not only will there be written exams, but there'll be physical ones, too. To get you back into the swing of things, we've prepared an excersize for you." He pulled out a card that had 1v1 on it in a big font. "You'll be selected to go against one of your classmates. Good luck," Aizawa asked, and All Might wakked in, and escorted us to a place that looked like a bunch of factories. "We will be simulating rooftop battles," he explained, "So! First up is.... Young Midoriya vs Young Todoroki!"

  Todoroki and I lined up t opposite sides of a large building's rooftop. "READY?" All Might asked, and Todoroki and I nodded, "BEGIN!!" Immediately, Todoroki created a line fo ice towards me, to which I easily dodged. I whip out four shuriken, and throw them at him, forcing him to block with a shield of ice. I rushed in, summoning a rasengan, and I tried to go for a gutshot, but Todoroki froze it on impact, causing a tick fog to release. I got kicked to the gut, then to the head, and launched backwards. I create a shadown clone, and he throws me into the air, while Todoroki comes out of the mist. He shot a beam of fire at my clone, which blocked it with an earth wall. I decide to try something. I create clones, which land at the side of Todoroki, and throw off my shoes. I curl my feet, and concentrate real hard. I feel I gust of wind. 'I'VE DONE IT!!' I mentally scream, 'I'VE CREATED A RASENGAN WITH MY FEET!' "NOW!" I shout, and my clones kick our adversary into the air. I lift my right foot, which has the rasengan in it. "MIDORIYA BARRAGE!" I shout, kicking Todoroki in the gut, slamming the rasengan against him. Todoroki hit the ground, and went unconscious. "MIDORIYA WIIINS!!" All Might announces, after Todoroki didn't get up for a couple of minutes. I grab my shoes and Todoroki, and head to the veiwing area.

  When I get back, I egt a ton of compliments and questions. "What was that technique Midori-bro?" Kirishima asked, and I answered, "Just a new technique." "I bet that's what you used to take down the hero killer, right?" Kaminari said, to which I shook my head. "C'mon!" he shouted in defeat. A fun first day back at UA and its dorms.

   [3rd Person]

  It is now 10:00 at night. Only two are left in the common room. Kyoka Jiro and Momo Yaoyorozu. "Fine then," Yaoyorozu said angrily, "This'll decide it. If we can't figure out whos hould ask him out first, we'll compete for it." "How?" Jiro asked, and Momo, like the genious she is, stated like it was obvious, "Rock, paper, scissors." Jiro was dumbfounded, but went along with this rediculous plan. "Rock," they both said in unison, "Paper, Scissors...


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