Chapter 8: USJ Leak [Deku]

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A/N, Thank you for getting this book to 92 reads! I just wanted to take this time to thank you all, and also to ask you toread me other books, Don't Say Goodbye, Quirk Not Found, and Just a Guy Who's a Hero for FUn. Thank you, and enjoy!

I open my eyes. 'This isn't my dorm room,' I think. I pay more attention to where I am. 'I'm at the UA gate?' I ask myself. I walk into UA, not really sure of what to do. I see a clock on the wall. 'Crap! There's only five minutes till class!' I think, 'Wait, is there even class? Only one way to find out.' I walk up to the second floor, to see the layout is completely different. But, there's a red line on the floor. I follow it, because it might be my way to class. It goes to the third floor, which class 1-A is on, so i continue to follow the line. The room that the line leads to has a big door that hass a big 1A written on it. 'Guess it did lead to class,' I think to myself, as I open the door, and walk in. It wasn't the classroom. It was like i was put in a basement. there was a little bit of flooding, not even enough to pass my toes, however. I turn around, but the door isn't there. On the other side of the other side of the room, there is a huge barred door, with a seal on it. I approach the thing i assume is a cage door and I hear a low growl. If this wasn't enough to get me to want to back away from it, there was a very murderous aura coming from withing the cage, and I see two eyes, of which I can recognize the creature they are from. "Fox eyes!" I say with suprise, when what I assume to be a giant fox says, "You'll see a lot more of me very soon. Hehehe, I suppose I owe you rent, so you can have a bit of my chakra." I know who this is.The Nine Tailed Fox, one of the tailed beasts! Grandpa must have sealed him inside me! Before I can say anything or ven move, I'm surrounded by a foul, red chakra, and everything turns black

I wake up in a panicked sweat. This is my dorm room. Good. I get prepared for school. We vote for class president, and I won the vote with 5 votes, and vice president was a girl by the name of Momo Yaoyorozu, with 3 votes. After this, the media somehow broke in, and I had to calm everyone down. After this, we have to get on a bus for our heroics class, and go to a place to have our class. On the bus ride there , the girl named Tsuyu Asui asks me, "Hey, Midoriya, what was your relationship with Rasutoburesu-senpai? For being in a relationship, you really were terrified of seeing her, and she had to practically beg you for a date." "Well, to be honest, Akuma-kko-chan and I were really good friends until a certian incedint she caused, which I will not answer any questions about. I really didn't even want to be in her vicinity, but I didn't know she went to UA," I explain, and the class seems to understand. We get there, and the pro hero 13 explains our rescue training, and All Might was stangely late. Then, villains warped into the middle of the USJ. A mist guy split us all up using his portals.

I was falling, into the landslide zone. I landed on my back, and Yaoyorozu and Jirou fall onto me. "OOGH!" I cough out. "Sorry Midoriya!" Yaoyorozu and Jirou say at the same time. Villains started surrounding us. "Well, would you look at this," a villain said,"We got a beauty here, maybe before we kill you we could have some fun wth her." This struck a personal chord, and I immideately starting weaving hand signs. "LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGHTNING MODE TECHNIQUE; LARIAT!" I shout, before my body is surrounded by lightning, and I move extremely fast, chopping people in their necks, knocking every villain out. I take a moment to recover, and A guy comes out of the ground, and puts me in a headlock. "Listen, I don't wanna kill another electric type, but if even one of you moves, I'll fry his brain," the villain threatened. "What're you gonna zap now? Cuz all I see is a Rock in your arm," I say, standing behind him. I open my hand, and a blue ball forms in in. "RASENGAN!!" I shout, before sending the rasengan into his back, sending him into the mountainface. I make sure Yaoyorozu and Jirou are OK, before going to the shipwreck zone. I jump onto the water, and weave handsigns, shouting, "LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGHTNING MODE TECHNIQUE; LAKE OF LIGHTNING!" The lightning spreads around my body, and the water conducts the water through it, zapping all but one of the villain. The one villain I didn't zap landed on the water, and stood on it. "No way!" I say. "Oh, don't worry, this is real. I'm a shinobi like you. You have the sharingan, like my brother, right? You two are the only ones with it. You're pretty lucky," he says, as he weaved hand signs, and turns into wind. I activate my byakugan to see his chakra, when he says, "It doesn't matter if you can see me, I'm not going for YOU." He reappears in front of me, holding Mineta by the cape. "Heh," he says, when throwing three chakra-infused kunai onto the water, "WIND TECHNIQUE: TORNADO PRISON!" The chakra infused kunai create wind around them, resulting in a circular wind wall going to the roof of the USJ. I use the substitution technique to supstitute technique to substiture Mineta with a shadow clone. "Ya know, a wind style Jutsu is weak to fire style right?" I ask him, while grabbing three shuriken with string attatched to them out of my pocket. I throw them so precicely so that they hook onto the kunai. With the strings on my hand, I summon a shadow clone to perform hand signs with me, as to not drop Mineta into the water. "Fire style: Fire Dragon JUTSU!" I shout before breathing out three winds of flames, each onto a string. The fire followed the string, and hit the kunia. The windpicked up the fire, and created a mini fire tornado, before it dissapeared completely. "My fire style jutsu caused the air to rise, but because It could rise no further, it dispersed," I explain, before seperating the strings from my fingers, and rasengan to the 'shinobi'. "I feel bad that I have to share blood with so many villains," I say, knocking him out.

I rescue Asui and Kaminari, and we make it to the shore. I see something I shouldn't. The purple thing called 'Nomu' on top of Aizawa. It raises its fists, and slams them into Aizawa's back. Then, after seeing that, a red line surrounds my feet, creating wind. Then, more red lines create circles around me, and I know what this is. Atop all the red swirling power, one of there 'strings' of power forms above me, and makes the shape of a fox's head. Then, it just dissapeared. Before I could even think, I rushed at the Nomu, and punched it. Even though I didn't use OFA or send chakra through my arm, the Nomu was sent flying out of the USJ. "THAT BRAT'S HACKING! HE HAS GOD MODE ON! RETREAT!" The blue haired handsy freak says, when His mist buddy surrounds him in a blackish-purple mist, and they dissapear. When we got back, I asked what in the holy hell happened, and the response shocked him. His eyes were apparently red, with slits for his pupils. 'Shit' he thought.

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