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Everyone got up on their feet and ran as fast as they could towards Mingyu and Wonwoo's room. Individual problems were forgotten the moment Mingyu's words left his mouth. Each of them had only one thought running through their minds and that was Wonwoo.

"When was the last time he locked himself out?" Asked Seungcheol as they were running up the stairs.

"Three days ago. But it was only for about half an hour.."

Mingyu's voice was shaking and even though he didn't want to think that way, a possibility of the worst outcome found its way to his mind.

"He has skipped meals before but it was never this bad," he said, nervously biting down on his lip.

The guys ignored the bell, whose sound indicated all the students had to be in their classes. Finally, they reached the needed door with a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on it.

"Woo, it's me. Please open the door," Mingyu pleaded as he knocked on the wood.

However, no answer came from the inside, only everyone's unsteady breathing echoed in the hallway.

"Hyung, we're here to check if you're alright. Please let us in," Seokmin said, trying to calm his anxiety down.

"We're all worried for you," Jisoo added gently.

Unfortunately, their efforts were also in vain.

"Wh-What if he can't hear us..? What if something.."

Mingyu couldn't keep his emotions under control anymore. Tears started rolling off his cheeks as he banged on the door once more, begging Wonwoo to unlock it.

Suddenly a loud sound of shattering glass reached everyone's ears. The boys freaked out as a frustrated scream followed by an angry curse came from the inside.

"That's it, I'm breaking the door," Seungcheol growled and was about to fulfil his promise when someone's hand stopped him.

"It's no use if we try forcing him," Jun said quietly as he pushed through to the front.

The guys watched as he knocked on the door softly and called Wonwoo's name.

"Hey, it's Jun. Can we talk for a bit?" He asked in a surprisingly nonchalant tone.

At first there was no reaction and Seungcheol was beginning to prepare for a kick, when a familiar deep voice spoke out of a sudden.

"Only with you."

Jun didn't have time to comprehend the situation when the doors opened just enough to pull him inside and then shut again.

It was extremely dark inside as all the curtains were pulled over the windows. Jun saw Wonwoo's figure peeking from behind the corner. He was about to say something as he took a step forward when he realized the room was a complete mess. Things were laying around like they've just been through a war, a table was knocked down and clothes were laying messily on the floor.

"Whoa, what happened in here.."

He took a glance at the boy in the corner, instantly forgetting the mess.

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