Gen Y First Love 8

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Gen Y First Love 8

On the Saturday Wayu learnt that Saeb would join the internship at the coffee shop, he decided to visit his cousin again before the program ended in the next week.

"Saeb is working today?" Wayu asked Saendee who was the only one left alone after he swept his eyes around the shop for his cousin.

To say that Saeb started to wander around aimlessly inside the university more often was not wrong. He was just a student now, at the present. Still he was this head strong. Wayu started to wonder if Saeb became a first year student, who could win over this naughty boy!?

"He will be back in a while." Saendee tried to make up for his friend.

Just keep smiling...How could he tell Wayu that someday he disappeared for the whole day!?

Wayu smiled with the eyes with empathy.

He knew Saeb well that he would go out and get in trouble like always.

"This hot Coco, I didn't order." Wayu asked with confusion when dark hot drink was put onto his table after he sat down for a little while.

"There is a man who ordered for you. He said, if you come back here..." Saendee explained. A part which made this coffee house rather popular was because detail-oriented services and the additional services offered for taking care of someone special.

"P' Koh again?" Wayu could guess who it would be. After everyone knew that he was single again, no one gave him a rest for this.

"If this one, it is from P' fact, there are many more from many people, P' Wayu." Saendee told the truth. If Wayu accepted all the drinks those guys ordered for him, then, he wouldn't be able to eat anything all day!

"I won't take it....Next time, if anyone orders anything for me. YOU CAN'T TAKE THEIR ORDER!" Wayu spoke every single word clearly as he wanted to point out that even he is single but he is not interested!

"Yes, noted." Saendee obeyed nicely.

Wayu was confused since he saw that he was still standing at the same spot like he had something to say to him.

"Is there anything else, Saendee?"

"Can I ask what is the love definition of yours, P' Saendee?"

Wayu glared at the speaker for half a second. While all of his friends and everyone tried not to remind him about it because they were afraid it would hurt the old wound, Saendee, instead, he was brave enough to ask the question which made Wayu ask himself inside his heart. Then, softly but stably, Wayu said and meant every word he said.

"How much it hurts, but I still love..."

Saendee felt the strong feelings of the message. He nodded as a sign of understanding and kept the hot Coco away without a word.

Wayu let himself sink into his memories of the past. He spent months thinking about them to make sure that it wouldn't hurt anymore....
It is strange to think about the time spent together. When mixing with the sadness he felt at the moment, it had become such a bittersweet feeling.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where the registration office is?"
A voice spoken was polite and gentle. The young man's truthful face in the student uniform had shown his exhaustion for finding the place. It was his first time coming into Bangkok alone by himself.

"Well, I...don't know either." Saendee had no idea as he had never been inside the university for once, even though it was so close. And in early morning, the only place opened was only the coffee shop.

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