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The knight

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The knight.

I actually didn't use a referance for him. But it turned out fine.

How did I not struggle with him?? I don't know how to draw armor!!

Lol anyways my mom said I am now grounded from using paper. XD

The conversation went like diz.

Mom: Did you say "Hi" to the girls?
Me: No.
Mom: You are no longer taking your phone with you to your sisters game. Always on it.
Me: I wasn't on my phone! :P
Mom: then what were you doing?
Me: I was drawing. :)
Mom: Oh. Then no more drawing for you! You are not taking you art stuff to the game.
Me: Wh- how-??? You can't do that.
Mom: Yes I can.
Me: You are grounding me from using paper???
Mom: Yes. You are always drawing.

Does that mean because I am not alowed do draw I can be on my phone? Hmmm... 

But she wasn't serous, she was joking (I think-). But like imagine going to school and your teacher handed out a peice a paper for you to do and you are just like, "Sorry. My mom grounded me from using paper." 😂

Anyways burr 😉🌌🍪🙃

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