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They screamed out as they surfaced and grabbed onto each other howling with laughter

"OH MY GOD.....we just did that", Donna exclaimed laying on her back and drifting with the flow of the water

Rosie joined Donna and lay back relaxing, "Did you see the old folks faces as we left.....priceless"

Tanya held onto their ankles and smiled widely, "I swear that old pervert had a heart attack when I kissed him"

"He's been eyeing you since we started school here"

"I know.....he can forget about it.....I swear his head is so bald I can see my reflection in it"

They laughed then noticed Donna wasn't joining in, in fact she hadn't said a word since they started joking around


Donna straightened herself and smiled at her friends

"Sorry.....can we go home?"

They looked at each other with worried expressions then nodded at her. Their small apartment they'd been sharing for the past four years was close to the college so riding their bicycles to and from took no time at all.

Donna stormed into the apartment and pulled off her boots throwing them across the room, her two friends stood at the door and watched the scene then followed her to the small balcony

Donna turned to her friends, "She wasn't there"

They knew she was refering to her mother who had been avoiding any kind of contact with Donna since she went off to college. Tanya walked forward and gestured for Rosie to join her as she embraced Donna

"Don't let her ruin you're accomplishments Donna.....she's a bitch and so not worth the aggravation"

She sobbed into Tanya's shoulder and shook her head, "I love her Tanya.....why doesn't she care? What did I do to her?"

"Nothing.....she was probably busy with something important"

Tanya scoffed and rolled her eyes, Rosie glared at her and rubbed Donna's head in comfort

"Will you guys please excuse me?"

Donna pulled away and ran inside slamming the bathroom door shut

"What is wrong with you Tanya?"


"You can't talk about Ruby like that in front of Donna that's her MOTHER"

"She's not a mother's ass"

"Well you're opinion doesn't count I'm afraid"

"She's our best friend Rosie and I hate when that woman hurts her like that"

"I feel the same but please be a bit more sensitive around Donna when it comes to her mother"

"Uuuuuurrgggghh fiiiiiiiinnnnnnnneeee"

"Thank you"


She showed her ID card and shoved past the crowds of men who crowded the room every night. She would come here every now and again see what the fuss was about esspecially after today. She soon spotted the blonde hair and her anger grew at what she saw, she fisted her hands and stomped towards the woman

"THIS is what was so important?"

The woman turned around along with a few men who was crowded around her, she frowned setting her drink down on the counter, "Tanya?"

"The one and only"

She smiled at the men and stood from her barstool, "Will you fellows excuse me?"

"Don't take too long", one of them said winking at her making Tanya roll her eyes

"I'll try"

She grabbed Tanya by the hand and bit her lip as the men watched her go, she lead the young woman to the back of the small stage and into her usual dressing room, when she turned to face Tanya her smile was gone

"What was that all about?"

"You are sitting at a bar drinking while you're daughter is crying because her mother missed her graduation speech"

Ruby closed her eyes and sighed, "I forgot about that I'm sorry"

"I'm not the one to apologize to"

"She'll forget about it soon enough"

Ruby walked to her mirror and started looking at her make up applying some more lip gloss

"She was  heartbroken that you weren't there Rosie even made excuses for you and you just don't care.....you're sitting at a bar drinking with a bunch of strangers"

"I also performed"

Tanya scoffed, "You are a famous singer Ruby you can miss a night's performance at a cheap bar"

"This is more than some cheap bar.....this is where I got discovered"

"It still doesn't excuse you from missing one of the most important days of her life.....you're standing up for a bar and not you're own daughter.....what is wrong with you"

Ruby turned from the mirror and faced Tanya head on, "You don't have a right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do.....you don't know a damn thing about me"

"I know you are a terrible mother who doesn't deserve a daughter as gorgeous and talented as Donna"

Ruby stood back at that and held back tears as she watched Tanya whip around and storm out of the room, she stood staring at the door for a few minutes then went to sit at her vanity looking herself in the mirror and cursing the stubborn tears that slowly rolled down her cheeks

She took a deep breath and stood up fixing her tight black dress and walked out with a determined sway of her hips


💌Tell me what y'all think so far and please vote if u liked it💌



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