125 13 0

Mexico 1959


Ruby looked at him awkwardly trying to think of something to say as he gaped at her

"I-you were great out there "

"Oh thank you so much"

Another awkward silence followed.

"Uh....do you want to come in?"

His eyes grew wide and he started rubbing the back of his neck nervously

".....you can relax I won't molest you"

He chuckled and took in her gorgeous smile.

"That would be nice"

She stepped aside and allowed him into her dressing room. After pouring them both some whiskey she turned her chair to face him as he made himself comfortable on the couch

"So Fernando....."


"I'm glad you enjoyed the performance"

"It was beautiful.....you are....I mean....you're voice is but also you-"

She started laughing as he rambled, she jumped up and went to sit next him

"It's fine.....and thank you"

He felt a big lump his throat as she sat beside him, her faint perfume taking over his senses

"You're really sweet....what do you do for a living?"

"I'm in the Mexican army.....a soldier"

"Wow....that's cool....my dad was in the US military"

"Oh really?"

"He was a brave man.....he taught me a lot about the world.....he just married a witch"

He raised his eyebrows assuming she was maybe talking about a stepmother, she didn't elaborate instead deciding to change the subject

"So you were born here?"

He nodded taking a sip of his whiskey feeling himself getting more and more relaxed in her presence

"My family still live here.....I'm working to support them"

She sat back and suddenly felt like a bitch herself for everytime she has complained about anything

"Well you are even more of a man than I thought you were"

She touched his arm and the contact instantly caused his arm to break out in goosebumps, the door suddenly opened making him jump a bit even though absolutely nothing had happened....she just touched his arm and he was blushing like a man caught in a compromising position

"Miss Sheridan the boss wants you in his office"

"Okay thanks Olivia"

She smiled and exited. Ruby stood from the couch and smiled at Fernando who also stood

"This was nice....thank you I don't really know a lot of people here....I just got here yesterday"

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Well call me bold but.....would you by any chance.....want to maybe.....go on a date with me?"

She opened her mouth to answer but he interrupted her

".....don't feel bad to say no.....if you're too busy or of you just don't want to I'll completely underst-"


He paused and stared at her in shock, "Wait really?"

"Yeah....what time?"

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