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Mexico, 1959

"Shit shit shit shit shit-OW"

He rubbed his head and scowled at Joey who gave him the same look right back

"Stop moving"

"Can you hurry up? I'm already late"

Ruby had gotten a big opportunity after performing in the small bar for about two months. Some guy saw her performing and wanted her to perform at his daughter's wedding and she invited him as her plus one but now he was late and all because Joey got his days screwed up

"If you had listened to what the commander had said in the meeting the other day when I was sick instead of sleeping WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION"

"Okay do you want another smack to the head?"


"Then shut up so I can finish shaving without murdering you"

Fernando sat as still as he could manage but his feet were restless, they were already running to get to his date, two months of getting to know each other and no problems and on a special night like this where he could finally take her on a fancy date and HE WAS LATE

"She's gonna have second thoughts I just know it"

"Considering you two have been seeing each other for two months and you're barely on first base I would say she would've left you already if she didn't like you"


"She's crazy about you asshole.....but eventually you have to make a move or you're gonna ruin everything"

"Yeah right just finish already"

"I'm sorry for wanting you to look your best"

After more pressure from Fernando and a few close cut calls Joey was finished and hurrying Fernando into his suit

"How do I look?"

"She's gonna love it"

"You think?"

"I know"

He saluted Joey and hurried off to hopefully catch a taxi or bus passing by, after running a few miles he finally spotted a taxi and desperately waved for it to stop. The taxi driver stopped next to him and rolled down his window

"Where to?"

"Four Seasons"

The man nodded and gestured for Fernando to get in, he sped off and looked at Fernando through his rear view mirror

"How far have you been running?"

"Bout four miles"

"Wow you must be fit"

"Military training"

The man nodded then silence fell upon the car as they hurried towards the hotel

"Here you go"

The car stopped and Fernando gulped at the intimidating structure then shoved some crumbled notes in the man's hand before slowly stepping out of the car, he was in such a rush to get here now he didn't even know how he would even explain himself

"Here goes nothing"

He walked into the fancy building and tried his best not to gape at the interior. He was soon shoved in the direction of the ballroom by a rather rude  and impatient bellboy. He was halfway through the crowd of dancing couples when he spotted her at a table sipping on a glass of champagne looking very gloom, he sighed and slowly started approaching

She looked up at him but there was no emotion as her eyes met his not even a glimmer of relief at seeing him in fact if he didn't know better he'd say she was looking right through him


She just rolled her eyes and downed the glass of champagne before jumping up and walking away from him. He ran after her in a heartbeat and gently grabbed her arm, she  wrenched her arm out of his grasp and spun around to face him

"Just leave"

He took her hand and he was surprised when she didn't pull back

"I'm sorry......I promise it wasn't on purpose"


"Look Ruby....after work today all I wanted was a whiskey, a hot shower and to dance with the most beautiful girl in the world"

"Maybe you should've taken that shower before asking someone to dance"

He chuckled, "Well I DID run close to four miles before catching a taxi"

Her eyes grew wide, "Really?"

"Yeah and now that you mention it I should probably go cool down before asking you to dance"

She smiled and took his arm, "I'll buy you a whiskey"

"No....I can-"

"I want to"

He smiled then nodded as she grabbed his elbow and lead him to the bar, she ordered drinks for them both then turned to him

"I'm sorry I snapped at you but it's hard for me to trust.....well anybody"

"I understand"

"Why you keep up with me only you will know"

"Because I love you"

Ruby's eyes grew wide and she nearly choked on her martini, his face was serious not even a glimmer of doubt was etched in his features

"Fernando I-"

"You don't have to say it back.....but I know how I feel"

She felt heartbeat quicken as she opened and closed her mouth but no sound came out. Fernando was different, during her time here which they had spent most of together he had been patient and never pushed her to do anything she would be uncomfortable with.....all in all he was perfect......hansome......sweet......loving....
generous.....hard working......did she love him though?


He frowned,  "I'm sorry?"

"Uh I mean....me too.....I mean love.....I mean I-"

She took a deep breath and grabbed his face locking their lips together in a passionate kiss. He stood frozen but quickly responded wrapping his arms around her waist and mirroring the eager movements of her mouth. She pulled back slowly and opened her eyes smiling at his dreamy expression

"I'm done for the night....want to go for a stroll?"

He cleared his throat and nodded silently as his limp body was pulled in the direction of the exit. They walked in the moonlight for a while untill they were standing in front of her hotel

"I'm sorry for messing up our whole night-"

She cut him off by kissing him passionately and throwing her arms around his neck, she smiled as he responded and pulled back pulling him with her to the hotel's front entrance

"Wait....where are we going?"

She laughed and pecked him on the lips, "I'm gonna make you a cup of coffee", she winked before pulling him the rest of the way and straight into the elevator



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