158 11 3

USA, 1962

"Ladies and gentlemen please put you're hands together for RUBY SHERIDAN"

The room erupted with screams and applause when a bright light lit up the stage

"Now ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce THE most important person in my life.....please welcome my biggest fan, my daughter Donna Sheridan"

Ruby smiled as Donna came running onstage and straight into her arms, she settled the little girl on her hip and almost instantly her face was buried in her mother's neck

"Now our guest is a little shy but she loves to be onstage right?"

Donna glanced at the crowd and nodded then hid her face again

"Well I know what to do....you wanna play a game?"

She nodded against Ruby's neck

"Okay....so I'm going to close my eyes and try to remember what you look like so let me take a good look at you"

Ruby took Donna's face with one hand and squeezed her chubby cheeks making her giggle

"Okay I think I've got it"

She closed her eyes and scratched her head

"Let's see....you have red hair..."

Donna sat up with a big frown and took a lock of her hair examining it curiously, Ruby heard the crowd laugh and she smiled in response

".....you have one blue eye and one black eye.....a green beard.....and.....am I doing good?"

Donna shook her head and whispered 'no' in her mom's ear

Ruby opened her eyes and sighed, "Well then let's see if you can do better"

Donna closed her eyes confidently and took a deep breath

"You have black hair...."


The little girl giggled, "On you're head silly"

The crowd erupted in laughter and Ruby tried containing her own

"Ok so yes I have black hair and what else?"

".....False eyelashes"


Little Donna opened her eyes and started laughing along with the audience

"Well everything else is real"

She took a good look at her mom's face then shook her head


"You're lipstick..."

"I think we should just end it at that"

"Okay mommy"

"......and what do we say?"

"Goodnight everybody, God bless you"

"Good girl.....and that's from me as well goodnight"


"Mommy can we get ice cream?"

Ruby scoffed and gestured for her nanny to take over

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