152 14 2

Mexico, 1959

"This place?"

"......What? Ok it's not much but you should start small.....they have a stage that's all you need"

Ruby sighed then shrugged following her friend to the bar where she started flirting with the bartender

"Well hi there"

He smiled wickedly and leaned on the counter, "Hola"

Ruby rolled her eyes and slightly pushed Rachel aside, "Hello.....do you speak English?"

"Sí señora"

"Good, where can I find the owner?"

The man stood back and cleared his throat, "Is there a complaint?"

"Oh....oh no....no I was hoping I could maybe get a job here"

He grabbed his chest and let out a huge breath then nodded, "I can direct you to his office"

"That would be great thank you"

She followed his directions to the back of the stage and through a door but before she could knock she heard yelling from the inside, she put her ear against the door and tried to hear what was being said when the door abruptly opened and she fell into someone's chest

She looked up and saw an older man frown down at her then he stepped aside and a woman scoffed as she stormed past him


He took a breath then looked at Ruby expectantly, "How may I help you?"

"Well.....I....I was hoping you had a job opening"

"Unless you're looking for a singing and dancing job I can't help you....I have enough waitres-"

"Oh YES.....yes I sing....I can dance too"

He looked at her a bit hesitantly, "You know I can't pay a lot"

"That's fine"

"I can't buy you new costumes"

"Don't expect it"

".......you're hired"


"Sure why not....can you start tonight?"

"Yes.....yes....yes", she jumped up and down with excitement making him rub his temple

"Okay it's not that big of a deal...."

She stopped jumping and cleared her throat looking down at the ground, ".....sorry"

"Be here by seven"

"Yes sir"

He closed the door and she instantly started jumping again then ran to the bar where Rachel and the man behind the bar were still looking deeply into each other's eyes

"Hey Rach"

"Yeah", she acknowledged but didn't take her eyes off the young man as he seved drinks


"Yeah", this time she snapped out of it and turned to Ruby

"I got it"



"Oh my God"

Rachel jumped up and hugged her friend close

"It's not a fancy job you know?"

They pulled away and looked at the man behind the bar

"......he is a pain with the performers.....that girl that just stormed out....she lasted a week"

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