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"This place is incredible"

Sofia laughed as Donna spun around and took in every inch of the old hotel

"It was incredible.....it needs a lot of repairing to go back to what it use to be but we don't have the money to repair it"

Donna nodded sadly then smiled, "I can try doing some repairs myself.....just little things to get it started"

Sofia raised her eyebrows in surprise, "A young woman like you? Dear you shouldn't be wasting you're time with something like this...."

"Oh I don't mind....I came here to be my own person and to experience new things.... I want to be independent like my mothe-"

Donna froze and her smile faded, she felt tears forming in her eyes then looked up and forced a smile

"I'd be happy to do it"

Sofia saw the sadness in Donna's eyes but decided not to intervene so she just nodded

"Well hon if you feel like doing it you're more than welcome to"

Donna smiled genuinely and gave the older woman a big hug

"Thank you"


She sat behind her desk and sighed at the paper work in front of her, who ever said being famous meant you didn't know what hard work was....she worked her ass off to be successful and now people assume she is priveledged.....when was anything ever handed to her?

She started on the paper work trying to go through everything in detail before signing anything. She heard a beep and groaned pressing the button on her phone signaling her security had someone at the door


"Miss Sheridan"

She rolled her eyes, "Yes James"

"Did you order pizza?"

She frowned, "No"

"There is someone here saying their dropping off you're dinner"

"Maybe they got the wrong address"

"He says it's a gift from someone"

"Ugh....okay escort him to the door I'll be right there"

"Yes ma'am"

She stood up, grabbed a few dollars and walked to the door then opened the door expecting for a quick exchange

"Okay let's make it quic-"


Oh that smile.

"What are you doing here?"

He smiled devilishly, "I brought you some pizza"

James looked over his shoulder and raised his eyebrows. Ruby was very tempted to take the pizza and tell James to throw him out but somehow when she looked at his hopeful smile she couldn't do it

She sighed loudly and stood aside gesturing for him to come in, at the same time she held her hand up as James went to follow

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