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She watched Bill Anderson leave for the second time since coming to this island and she waited for the feeling of sadness and regret but no such feeling arose in her heart. Aunt Sofie had pushed hard for her to take a chance on her nephew but try as she may her mind kept going back to dark hair and charming eyes.....'NO.....STOP IT DONNA'

The tear didn't have a chance to escape her eye for it was viciously wiped away as soon as it formed

"You will not cry for him.....not today.....not EVER"

"I agree"

She startled and turned to see Aunt Sofie watching her with a bright smile

"I know I can't force you to like someone you don't but I just can't stand seeing you like this my child"

"I'll be fine aunt Sofie I promise"

"Well then I'll take you're word for it...."

Donna smiled and looked back over the ocean

"I actually came here to tell you something"

She looked back at the older woman keeping the bright smile on her face


"It's about the hotel"

Donna's smile dropped a bit in concern

"Is something the matter?"

"It's good news....for both of us"

"I could use some of that"

Aunt Sofia chuckled and grabbed Donna's hand

"Someone has offered to buy the hotel and fix it up"

Panic set in as Donna's smile faded completely

"But I.....I was.....what about-"

"Shh it's okay.....I talked to the man and he agreed to let you stay and work for him"

"But what does that even mean? Who would even buy a place here....and.....and-"

Sofia grabbed Donna and hugged her tightly to her chest rubbing her back

"I didn't ask into it.....he seemed very eager to come here.....he has children and would like you to be their nanny"

Donna pulled away, "A nanny?"

"I said you would be a good match....you are warm and loving.....I can't think of someone more qualified for the job"

"Well how many children does he have?"




"Can we get a little more sequins.....I think this is a bit bland"

Ruby's costume designer Randy scoffed

"Bitch listen......there will never be enough for you"

She threw her head back laughing, "I'm a star Randy I need to shine onstage"

"You don't need any sequins for that baby boo.....you stand out naturally"

"Yeah I guess you're right"

Their conversation was interrupted by Ruby's phone ringing on the make up table

"Can you get that for me?"

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